May 13, 2008 12:39
Today sucked.
So badly, in fact, that the original post I wrote up to put for today DIED.
Basically, I didn't have anything to do. So I pretty much spent today, sitting around, doing nothing.
Which I really don't do-- I'm either sleeping, working, or procrastinating. 'Nothing' is a mildly annoying concept for me, because it means that I can't do something-- like sleeping, working, or procrastinating --and am stuck doing 'nothing' until something comes up.
Or I spontaneously kill someone out of spite. It varies.
I mean, I'd say I'm a workaholic, if not for the fact that I spend so much time trying to get out of working. Which is a contradiction in of itself.
That's my life.
I have to figure out a couple of different things, so as of now, I'm using this as my to-do list. I need to figure out when I'm going to FL next-- And by next, I mean for the entire summer, so, Erin, start talking to the 'rents.
In no particular order;
Buy plane tickets for FL.
Figure out hotel, prices, etc. for Metro.
School Related
English AP Exam - Wednesday.
World History AP Exam - Thursday.
Latin Video Project.
Three paragraphs for senior projects.
Letter to Advisor.
Quarterly Community Service.
Additional Final Project work.
Find a foreign-born, kidnap them for WHAP.
WHAP Video Project.
English Paper.
English Paper additional background work.
Read book for Quarter.
NHS Hours - 1.5 extra.
NHS Service Project - sign up by Thursday.
Normal Community Service Hours - 10.
Keep up GPA.
Make up Math Test Chp. 13.
SA Flash - due by 5/30.
Find a NON .mkv version of FMA:CoS.
Pick out next series.
Call Josh.
Call Erin.
Spend time with Julie.
Plan out weekends for summer for Dad.
Schro Cosplay - find clothes to mod.
Schro Cosplay - accessories.
Ed Cosplay - find clothes to mod.
Ed Cosplay - make automail.
The Great Wig Debate.
Eat. (Ocassionally.)
I'm missing several things, I'm sure. Gah.
Anyway, that's basically my life for the next two weeks. If not less-- Some of that has to get done ASAP, and I'd rather have it out of the way sooner rather than later. Of course, my inner workaholic will be pushed over by my inner procrastinator about half-way through, and I'll be stuck in my usual panic.
I guess it's nice to know some things never change?
troublesome musings,