Nov 19, 2007 10:05
Half day. Today and tomorrow. Huzzah.
Projects and homework are being piled on like mad, and I'm mildly terrified. But still too sore from Saturday to really care, you know?
Oh. No, you don't. Unless you were there.
Saturday night was the annual GS 'Hey, let's go take over that gym and stay up all night!' party thing.
And so, being us, we went.
This was our third year helping set up, which I have to say, is pretty sweet. We have to get there early and everything, and drag A LOT of stuff out of cars, and spend quite a bit of time rushing about hanging up signs, but...
It's still crazy fun.
We spend most of our time trying to not be caught while doing nothing.
After set up, we directed people. This year, we got chairs. So we didn't have to stand there for God-knows-how-long pointing people in the right direction. Kitty and I are worried about our job security, though. Because really, eventually they're going to realize that people aren't going to try and walk through that wall at the bottom of the stairs.
Though we did have one or two go at it. We gave them worried looks and continued to text Rodger and keep him up all night.
Ran around after getting off duty, skipped about and scared the little kids. Attacked several people with my towel. Made obscene gestures with Kitty, prompted many references to the Hitchhiker's Guide, threw things, and stole tape. Stargate jacket pockets are extremely useful for storing hot chocolate packets when you know that you need to get them now, because otherwise they'll be gone when you get back.
They were, by the way.
But we used my spandex space to manage. (And by spandex space, of course I mean Danny's jacket ftw.)
Eventually got tired and collapsed on beanbags in the daycare center. Spent an hour tormenting Kitty with awkward conversation topics. Mostly about situations and/or places where it would be possible to have sex. Personally, I liked the firehouse and city rooftop ones. Julie's hung up on the castle library. This will not end well.
Anyway, I ended up spending FAR too much time on exercise machines, and pulled some things that were obviously not meant to be pulled.
In a kind of good, slightly masochistic way?
Moving on. (Like, now.)
Anywho, half day. Discovered first period is amazingly BORING when I have no homework to do. Suddenly realize why Jason talks to me; he is so bored, he will do anything to try and entertain himself.
Second was a mess. And by mess, I mean 'DEAR GOD, MIRANDA! ...I think I'm gonna cry.' Amanda was having a breakdown. Storey totally didn't help. At all. I mean, seriously. In fact, she made it worse. Amanda didn't have her homework done, and then Storey critized her handwriting for her essay.
Way to go, jackass. I'm SO sure that helped.
Found it mildly amusing that David was insulted when Storey said Sam's handwriting was better than his. I think she was making it up, to be honest. I've never been able to read anything Sam has written. Ever.
Of course, that may just be because it's completely over my head. But whatever.
Miranda and I nearly had a seizure when the -ISM tests were passed back. Somehow I lucked out on a 92%.
Someone up there must like me, because 'Manda didn't do half bad either, so there was no more stress on her part. AMANDA, WE LOVE YOU! IT'S GONNA BE OKAY, WE SWEAR!
...Of course, when I said that out loud to her eariler, I had the oddest feeling that it wasn't very reassuring. You know, considering it was coming from Miranda and I, and Miranda had passed up the English essay for playing with Barbies.
We're not the most reliable people, are we?
We finally got the calendar project for Chemistry. Decided to make it on Heroes. I'm already working on it. Na is Nathan, P is Peter, S is Sylar, C is Claire, Mo is Mohinder, Be is HRG/Bennet. Ni is Nikki, but I've got to come up with the rest. Any suggestions, post 'em. Like now. Plz.
Passed math test with an 88%. Not as shiny as I wanted it to be, but shiny enough.
Visited Kates with Emily. Left Latin phrases all over chalkboard.
Today's success rating: 10.