Sep 26, 2007 13:13
It's been awhile.
Chances are Yu-Chi's posted up stuff about twenty times since I've been on last.
Probably more.
So, basically, I don't have the outside computer here anymore. I'm stuck right in the middle of the top row... next to my old seat. Not in my old seat, next to it.
You can pretty much assume that it's driving me crazy.
Why is this such a big deal? It isn't. It's just rather annoying for a very paranoid person to be sitting in a seat with people on both sides. It makes the paranoid person twitchy. Because they, no matter what they're doing, have the chance that someone is looking over at them, and is generally making them feel awkward.
Very twitchy.
But yeah, that's how it is now. Which means I've got Carl's old seat, which means I can't see anything that gets projected up onto the big screen, which doesn't matter because I know how to do it anyway, but it's really about the priciple of the thing.
My eighth grade English teacher would shoot me for that sentence.
We're getting off topic.
But seriously. It took me long enough to get over the bit about Carl sitting there, now I've got two people to deal with.
Oh, and by the way? The only reason why I'm sitting here? Because the teacher thought that the three girls in this class-- we don't really know each other or anything, but apparently we don't have do because only our gender matters --should sit together.
That's it.
That's why I haven't been posting. That's also why I haven't decided to bother trying out Flyff on this computer, too.
Because I'm a girl.
How retarded is that?
On a side note, Miranda and I spent the entirety of English class coming up with phrases to use from our Macbeth project from last year-- in a techno mix.
We're cool.