I'm alive. uh...yay?
Well since i'm looking for something to update on let's start with the topic of my previous posts: crushes.
Turns out Pat has left. So has the other two maintainance guys i fell for and the new ones arent that cute, to be honest.
Valentine's day is coming up and our store is already advertising it. Blech. I've never received a Valentine from a guy. And candy and chocolate from my relatives do not count. I hope our store doesnt do anything stupid for valentine's day. I refuse to wear anything in the reddish hue area February 14. I'll be the one all in black.
So to recap:
Love life: nonexistant
'possibility of having a real life anytime soon': slim to none
job: well i'm still there, that's a strike against me
family: same as usual.
PS. The name Bob Loblaw never fails to make me giggle. Tee hee!
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