Good news. Turns out Pat is indeedy still working here. His schedule was under Admin (the schedules are listed by department. I was looking for him in Front End) and he has off this week too.
He better come back next week. *sigh*
There's this other guy, a maintainance guy of course who might like me but i can never tell the difference between friendly conversation and flirting. He was asking one day what time i leave which was soon, like an hour or two before i got off. He's kind of cute but he has this big holes in his earlobes. At first i thought they were big earrings but no he has holes in his ears the size of like quarters. It's very off putting. Otherwise he's cute.
This is what happens when you've been boy deprived your whole life. You become a whore for guys. I swear i have like 3 or 4 crushes on guys at work. Two of which i know can never happen but still fun to look at anyway and two i'm too chicken to talk to.
Funness I say.
Current Mood:
boy crazy