Dec 20, 2004 15:40
Ughh, why did I pick up hours at work? Why couldn't I just allow myself to be a lazy bum for 3 weeks. Ok maybe cuz I need money, but still, I think I would've been okay losing out on a few weeks pay. At least I have all of next week off, I really want that week to last forever. I am so so so so so dreading student teaching, which is scaring me. I should be excited, but I'm not. Maybe because I havent really had any good internships except for my first one, and I have no idea who the teacher is that I'm with because they switched me. I called today to talk to her and left a message, so hopefully she'll call soon so I can go meet her before the semester starts up. I just don't like the idea of being there 5 days a week from 8-3, and not getting paid, and then going straight to work until 7. These are gonna be long ass days and I am not going to be a happy camper. But maybe it'll end up being better than what I'm anticipating. Maybe now that I'm a "student teacher" I will be given more responsibilities, which is all that I really wanted. I was bored to tears sometimes with my other internships cuz I barely did anything but observe and be the teacher's bitch (i.e. passing out papers, stapling shit, etc) But the few times that I taught a lesson I absolutely loved the feeling I had, which is the only string of hope that is allowing me to believe that this is the right profession for me. We all question our direction in life at some point, let's just hope I chose the right one. I don't want to end up being like my sister and graduating with a teaching certificate and all its done is collected dust. I don't want to have wasted 4 years of hard work and dedication to find out that I made a mistake. I guess all I can do is wait and see what happens with this semester and after I graduate. All I know is I cannot wait till my birthday because that is also graduation day =)
Yea so if you haven't guessed I am utterly bored at work righ tnow. Surprisingly this shift has gone pretty fast, but its probably because I spent a good majority of the time fixing up the pictures I took at Shaun's show last night. I really hate the way my camera works in the dark, it really freakin sucks. After I posted all the pics I realized that they were really dark and I had to adjust the brightness on each one. It helped a little, but not really. I dunno, but go check them out!! Yesterday was definitely an eventful but fun day. I woke up at noon because this damn hacking cough refuses to allow me to fall asleep before 3:30. Once I got up I went right to baking since I was running late. I baked 6 dozen chocolate chip cookies, from scratch. Yes Shaun I MADE the dough lol. Then I showered and got ready for his band's show. I was running really late though and hit a lot of traffic so I got there at 4:30 and felt bad cuz I was a half hour late. Turns out EVERYONE was late so it worked out. Then I left to get my digital camera cuz I forgot it and that trip took a freakin hour due to lovely traffic on route 3, so I ended up taking back roads which was a pain in the ass. I returned by 6:30 and this girl was performing so I was glad I didnt miss any of their songs. They were so great though, I seriously love their music. They do awesome cover songs and I really really like their originals. After the performance a bunch of us went to the diner, interesting times to say the least. Then Shaun came over and we had some hot cocoa and watched our favorite late night shows. I have gotten him into Everybody Loves Raymond, and if you don't watch it, START. It's definitely one of the funniest shows ever, right behind "Friends".
So it looks like I'm gonna be pretty busy for the next few days, but busy with good stuff =) Tonight I have to devote solely to baking. I really don't think I have time any other night to bake, so it must get done tonight. Tomorrow I work till 5 and then got a game at 7 to work and then I think we're all hanging out with Vinny cuz I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving. Wednesday we're gonna try to go see "Meet the Fockers", can't wait! And Thursday is our Christmas Eve Eve party lol. I can't wait to just be with everyone again like over the summer, so excited! And then its Christmassssss! I can't wait! Alright, time to go find something else to occupy me for the next 40 minutes. Ta-ta!