La Vita e Bella!

Oct 16, 2004 16:07

Ok no chance in me remembering everything that has happened since my last update. Hmm...last weekend was definitely good stuff. Saturday night was AWESOME. If only we could do that every weekend. Well the lack of sleep probably wouldn't be too healthy, but whatever. School was HELL this past week. I had an assessment and evaluation exam on Tuesday, but I somehow pulled off a 96 on that one. Then on Wednesday I had a physics exam and history midterm. I really don't think I did too hot on either of those. I guess I'll find out this week though, but I dunno if I wanna find out lol. Hopefully I did better then I think, but I highly doubt that. And the bad thing is I really dont care. I'm a senior. I'm pretty much done with my classes after this semester. I'm not gonna be thrilled if my GPA drops a lot but at this point I don't care lol. Yesterday I had to take my yearbook picture, and it like really sunk in that I'm actually graduating in a few months. Holy hell am I scared. As much as I can't stand school, I kinda like the fact that I'm told what to do. Pretty soon I'm gonna be the one assigning homework (hopefully). Let's just hope I get a job. So then Michelle can save up lots of $$ and move the hell out. These past few weeks I've realized how badly I want to move out. It's not even so much because my family annoys the hell outta me, but because I want the freedom. There were so many nights where I'd be hanging out and not wanting to go home, and I'd push the curfew as far as I could without pissing my parents off. Apparantely my mom told my sister that I don't even have a curfew but I was never informed of this. So I've decided that during the week I'm coming home at 12 instead of 11:30. And on the weekends I'm gonna try for 12:30. I've been sleeping out a lot too which helps because I like being out and not having to worry about being home at a certain time. Grr you people have no idea how annoying it is. But in a few months NO MORE. And if they really think I'm gonna have a curfew when I have a real job they can kiss my ass lol. Anyways...I really think I need to just sleep for 24 hours straight. I can't remember the last time I went to bed at a decent hour or got more than 6 hours of sleep. But I really don't mind the reasons for my lack of sleep ;) Hmm what else. I must say these last two weeks have been sooooo great and so much fun. I am really excited about a certain situation and its really made incredibly happy. Life is good.

Random Thoughts...
~Quote of the week: My professor as she opens the marker to write on the whiteboard, "Wow, you really can get a high off these things"
~I've discovered that I need to go to Franklin Steak House more often, so delicious
~This graduate student always comes to my labs on Saturday and needs a guest account and every time I help him he makes it a point to touch me. But thats a good thing cuz he's hella hot lol
~Apparantely I eat like a bird...I beg to differ
~Smirnoff ice + Raspberry rum = <3<3
~I got approached in the mall to join a cult, what has this world come to??
~I shall be cooking dinner this week for Willie..I am nervous, I don't know if I know how to cook lol
~Last night some asshole parked his car so close behind mine that the front of his car was actually touching the back of mine. So I got pissed, wrote down his license # in case there was damage cuz it was too dark to see (thank God there wasn't) and then I kicked his car. Bastard.
~I heard my hot boss who looks like Ryan Cabrera might be gay...oh the travesty!

I think that's all for now. Laters <3
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