(no subject)

Mar 04, 2005 12:06

If anyone's interested to see how gimlisgloin's mind works when she's tired and how mine just... stays there and looks pretty, while I'm at work, I give you Teh Chat! We now have a movie, a site and blowing Orlando. Up. Yeah, we're kinda porny.

gimlisgloin: throw me and ANYONE into that and we have a triology
gimlisgloin: maybe PJ will buy the film rights?
lilalo: hehehe
gimlisgloin: and starring ELIJAH WOOD and DOMINIC MONAGHAN as themselves
gimlisgloin: introducing KIM FROM SWEDEN
lilalo: hehehe
lilalo: and ANDA FROM ROMANIA, as the "never gonna get it" girl!
gimlisgloin">: ANDA, ANNA and TRACIE as the NEVER GONNA GET IT GANG
<lj user="lilalo">: tee hee!!! we
: watch as the objects of their affections are completely clueless and not interested
gimlisgloin: watch as the madness escalates
gimlisgloin: watch the insanity grow
lilalo: and if they get a clue
gimlisgloin: day by day by day
lilalo: they're still SO not interested
gimlisgloin: they RUN AWAY
gimlisgloin: object of affection (OA): *points* Look! a flying saucer!!!! (OA runs)
lilalo: watch them as they become lesbians and kill their former OAs, burry them under... something and then live happily ever after in the perfect menage a trois!
gimlisgloin: okay
gimlisgloin: that can be YOUR ending
lilalo: heheheeeeeee
lilalo: and what's yours?
gimlisgloin: watch as they go to Hollywood and become big stars and shun the former OAs out of spite while secretly still pining away
lilalo: heh, ok, your ending is better
gimlisgloin: watch as they remember the fan experience and try to share with their fans and be accomodating and really nice
gimlisgloin: watch as a crazier than them fan kills them all in a fit of obsessive jealous love
gimlisgloin: THE END
gimlisgloin: except.... FUNERAL SHOT : CAMERA PANS THE CROWD : who are they? can it be? the former OAs are graveside. mourning openly.
gimlisgloin: ROLL CREDITS
gimlisgloin: dude?
gimlisgloin: you don't like my movie?
lilalo: ok. NOT so good
gimlisgloin: lol
gimlisgloin: yeah, should have left it as it was
gimlisgloin: us in Hollywood having a great time. making movies, going to parties and premieres and clubs, laughing, having fun. especially when (f) OAs are watching. but still going home alone and keeping the torch burning.
lilalo: so we never get laid?
gimlisgloin: we can. but it's just sex. nothing too special.
gimlisgloin: and we always picture the OA
lilalo: dude, WITH the OA!
gimlisgloin: nah, that would be giving in
gimlisgloin: we’re doing the classic girl thing
gimlisgloin: pretending they don't exist/we're too busy/too important
gimlisgloin: we're nice, but not THAT nice
lilalo: I like your movie
lilalo: blockbuster
gimlisgloin: just need some explosions
gimlisgloin: and orlando bloom
gimlisgloin: :D
lilalo: hehehe
lilalo: OMG YES
gimlisgloin: i'd shag him
lilalo: blowing up orlando bloom?
gimlisgloin: until he didn't know what fucking day it was
lilalo: or just blowing him
gimlisgloin: and then he'd go tell dom how fantastic it was....
gimlisgloin: ah, imagination!
gimlisgloin: blowing orlando
gimlisgloin: i think i read a fic once about that
gimlisgloin: interesting: i no longer read fanfic
lilalo: omg I'd get a t-shirt
lilalo: I GAVE ORLI A BJ
lilalo: hehehe
gimlisgloin: i'd get it printed on balloons
lilalo: omg orli!cock
gimlisgloin: i want a fellorgy
lilalo: omg I'm at work wtf
gimlisgloin: me, dom, lij, orli
lilalo: AHEM
gimlisgloin: sorry. me dom, orli
gimlisgloin: medom
gimlisgloin: traciedom
gimlisgloin: domtracieorli
lilalo: dome
gimlisgloin: woah
gimlisgloin: my mind just went to a very private happy place
lilalo: hahaha
gimlisgloin: i think my nipples are hard
gimlisgloin: bah, you should copy paste this in your lj
gimlisgloin: i'm going to bed dude. i'll read our convo tomorrow in lj-land!
lilalo: ok dude, sleep tight
gimlisgloin: work hard lol
lilalo: dream dom
lilalo: dom cock
gimlisgloin: domandorli
lilalo: cockdom!
gimlisgloin: dom!cock
gimlisgloin: OMGOMGOMGOMG
lilalo: hehehe
gimlisgloin: cockdom
gimlisgloin: that's your website name :p
gimlisgloin: cockdom sounds great
gimlisgloin: :D
lilalo: kinda like stardom
gimlisgloin: only pornier
lilalo: but I'd love me some cockdom!
gimlisgloin: who wouldn't?
lilalo: ummm... billeh?
gimlisgloin: kinda like stardom.
gimlisgloin: only pornier.
gimlisgloin: that's good.
gimlisgloin: billeh. no, billeh wouldn't want cockdom
gimlisgloin: but he'd like to watch us getting some.
lilalo: but I want billeh
lilalo: hehehe
lilalo: omg we're messed up
lilalo: good
gimlisgloin: in a good way
lilalo: ok...
gimlisgloin: yeah
gimlisgloin: i'm sleeping now
gimlisgloin: go away
lilalo: ok dude, I'm posting now

If you enjoyed it, or not, please know that gimlisgloin needs help! In a VERY serious matter! :) So go HERE and help a poor girl out. And no, she didn't ask me to do this. I do this ONLY because I love her. There is no part of the chat where she specifically asks me to do this, no way! :)

love, my dude

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