Gods help us all.

Feb 19, 2010 17:47

... I just rewrote spell 6 of the Book of Going Forth By Day (Egyptian Book of the Dead) as a limerick.

O shabti alotted my load
When there are some fields to be mowed
Or flooding the land
Or carrying sand
Your eager assistance, bestowed.

Original text used as basis:

"O shabti, alotted to me, if I be summoned or if I be detailed to do any work which has to be done in the realm of the dead; if indeed obstacles are implanted for you wherewith as a man at his duties, you shall detail yourself for me on every occasion of making arable the fields, of flooding the banks or of conveying sand from east to west; 'Here am I' you shall say."

traveller's guide, silliness, poetry

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