One of the two days that SnS is closed and let me tell you the burn out has set in completely because I found myself resenting my job for the entire ten minute drive to work on Fri. Even though Chris told me I didn't have to I felt it was only good manners to bake something to take to his mom's house for Thanksgiving. A quick survey of some of the girls I work with proved my line of thinking correct.
So when I got off work well past 11am on Wed. (instead of the 9 I was scheduled for) I went home cleaned a very wee nip and took a nap. Then after that small recharge to my internal battery I went grocery shopping on one of the most dreaded grocery shopping days to get what I needed to cook supper and make a gooey butter cake from the simple simple recipe that my mom always used. An unfamiliar pyrex baking dish and a half-sized electric oven got the better of me and I succeeded in overcooking it. But apparently that didn't stop people from eating it, the gooey part was still quite good.
That aside I got to meet a good chunk of Chris' family and even though they are quite friendly I was still nervous as all get out. Luckily most of them are smokers so my nervous need to smoke almost every hour went unnoticed. His mom is very nice, and his grandparents are very sweet and they did their best to make me feel welcome it's not their fault that I'm skittish and paranoid around strangers. There were several children, two of them toddlers, one of which was his youngest niece. Having worn my dangling dragon necklace I had an automatic fascination for the littlest one. Anna seemed impressed saying that she wouldn't even go to Chris. I decided not to point out the simple fact that dangly necklaces, much like glasses are and instant fascination for small children I learned that much when Wes and Amber were that age. (I am still in no rush to breed, ever.)
So I met many aunts and cousins and there is no way in hell I'm going to ever be able to keep all the names straight. But the food was wonderful and I have leftover pumpkin bread in my fridge and Chris told me that apparently after we left the general consensus reached was that they liked me. (I guess he talked to his mom today.) That relieves some of the lingering nervousness, but even if my schedule doesn't permit me to go home for Xmas I'm not sure I'd be up for accepting an invitation to theirs.
Christmas has always been different for me, I guess you could say it was more important in my mind than Thanksgiving. When I was growing up my family always made the greater effort to make it to my great-grandmother's for that holiday. And even though it's been over ten years since she passed away it has still been the holiday I most want to see the family I have left. If there's even the slightest window of viability to go I will move hell and high water to try to get there. It's to intimate of a holiday to me, no matter how welcoming and affectionate his family is I think I'd rather spend it alone than venture out.