After the first snowstorm from Hell hit the Midwest I shan't rant to hard about it other than to say... 30 hours at SnS. I never ever want to be snowed in at a 24 hour establishment again, especially if I work there.
It has motivated me to finally see about getting different wheels though. With any luck I've got the first steps taken care of so that I'll be getting a '96 Ford Taurus for Xmas this year.
I've caved to ebay. Though I've gotten some stuff for me and some for others. For me I now possess a Sanzo cosplay ring and an assortment of BPAL imps. (I do so owe
kethlenda for getting me hooked on it she deserves much love for that)
Next week is a pay week which I'll need to finish all my shopping then, come hell or high water.
NaNo was a bust for me this year, but I'm not too sad I still have a good idea for erotica I just need to write it at my own pace not a crazy pace. I finished the Pirate fic and have gotten a few nice little oneliner responses which make me feel good. Now I have to work on the impossible possibility of my Yuletide assignment, I really want someone to shoot me for saying I could write that pairing. Just because I think it shoulda happened that way doesn't mean *I* possess the skill to make it so. Ah, well, Hell or High Water I guess I'm going to make it so.
The muses are pretty much back and ready to roll now and that's always a good feeling. Of course a certain pair of redheads did reap the reward of that. (Love to the Fuyu!)
That pretty much is the short and skinny of my LJ hiatus for Nov.