(no subject)

Feb 08, 2005 23:29



Under the terms of this employment you have sold your soul to the firm known henceforth as Wolfham and Hart. In doing so all those that have been brought into employment with the subject, Angelus (henceforth termed you) are also subject to the rules and regulations within this form.

You are given the position of CEO of the LA division from date of signature. Under this postion you are responsible for the upkeep of said firm's reputation and holdings. If at any point the Senior Partners deem you may be terminated form this position. This will also be a termination of bodily form. From which time you will reside in the Hades division of said firm. If you cease to exist, by way of final death then the terms will go to the next in line. At this point the linage is as follows: Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, Charles Gunn, Lorne Greene, Winifred Burkle,Cordelia Chase (if said individual regains conscienceness in any terms), Connor Angel(natural child of Angelus and Darla, adopted at this time)

The linage will continue until the demise of each of the following. If by default one is not in accordance to the linage then a substitute will be inforced.

You at no time will allow for the demise of the firm. If that is achieved you will be brought to the Hades division to plead your case. If you lose then all employees that are from your hand will be ternimated as stated above.

Amends shall be added at any time seen fit by the Senior Partners, without regard to you.

The advantages of the firm can be withdrawn at any such time as the Senior Partners deem fit.

The undersigned agrees to the terms.


Amendment I: Members of the Black Thorn can change the text of the contract.

Amendment II: Due to the demise of Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, William the Bloody replaces the linage portion.

Amendment III: Due to the terms of the demise of one, Winifred Burkle, employee Lilah Morgan replaces the above linage portion.
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