
Jul 26, 2009 03:51

For those of you I've yet to meet, allow me to introduce myself.

Warden Lilah Morgan, former employee of Wolfram and Hart, specialist in legal and supernatural affairs.

Unfortunately, there's no court, but don't let that prevent you seeking legal counsel!

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still_ineffable July 26 2009, 11:34:26 UTC
Surely the lack of a court should prevent exactly that? I mean, I haven't witnessed any real complaints procedures yet, but the Admiral does seem to be judge, jury and executioner around here. One isn't even sure which laws apply around here, especially given that at least half the intake is technically deceased...

Ah. I digress. I am Aziraphale, former Principality and current Warden. It's a pleasure, Miss Morgan.


lilah_lawyer July 26 2009, 14:29:53 UTC
Can't say that ever stopped my former employers, before...

For the sake of discussion, however, I'd be happy to volunteer my expertise, if and when an accused party's guilt is in question.

And I see you've already been in conversation with my inmate... You might just be able to assist with a, shall we say, celestial undertaking.


still_ineffable July 26 2009, 15:53:58 UTC
I suppose it might help to have someone about who can put together a coherent argument, given that that seems to be beyond the mettle of most of the inmates and some of the wardens.

Ah, anyway. You're Gabriel's warden, then, I assume? S/he and I have spoken briefly. Was there something particular you had in mind for this...undertaking?


lilah_lawyer July 26 2009, 18:20:50 UTC
In their dimension, it seems people of Earth could commit whatever crime they wanted, ask for forgiveness, right at the end and then... Get it.

Without going too much into it, I know, for a fact, that it wasn't like that, in my own world.

Gabriel got fed up and tried to force change, basically. Force it in a rather naughty way. When they informed me as to their reasons, though, I can't say I entirely disagreed with them... The motivation, anyway.

I'd like someone who's on their level, so to speak, to explain how it's not like that in every dimension. That there usually aren't any spiritual get-out-of-jail-free cards. Due to my former profession, they aren't usually in much of a mood to accept that, when it comes from me.


Private still_ineffable July 26 2009, 18:34:27 UTC
Well. I see. I have to say, my dear, I'm not sure how great a help I can be on this. Redemption is a thorny subject, and it's a little more serious than simply asking for forgiveness - one's realisation of their wrongdoing and their desire to repent must be genuine, of course - but your Gabriel has a point. I've always had the impression from Upstairs that during his or her life, no matter what they do, a mortal never fully forsakes the opportunity to be drawn into the bosom of the Lord.

Having said all that, if the rules where s/he is from simply demand that one just asks, then I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about.


Re: Private lilah_lawyer July 26 2009, 18:48:48 UTC
Well, I'm not asking for a full-scale indoctrination, just... A realisation that they've got their priorities wrong.

Hint: They tried to bring the Antichrist into existence.

I'd call that a fairly big existential management crisis, wouldn't you?


still_ineffable July 26 2009, 18:53:43 UTC
The Antichrist? You mean Adam? Well, he's a perfectly nice boy, a little bit cheeky but that's to be expected of any...

Oh. You mean some other Antichrist. I do apologise, I'm still getting the hang of this 'parallel universes' business. Our Antichrist turned out to be fairly harmless - remarkably so, one might say, but I appreciate that won't be true everywhere. I'll have a word with, ah, them if the opportunity should arise.


lilah_lawyer July 26 2009, 19:12:45 UTC
Yeah, you've got a... Really differnet spin on things, haven't you?

Gabriel's one was the kind who'd descend the world into darkness, annihilate and enslave life, as we know it, before changing the national anthem to a five-hour yodel session.

I kid on that last one, but anything's possible, right?

I can set up a meeting, if you're still interested.


still_ineffable July 26 2009, 19:47:16 UTC
'Our kind' was meant to command the Four Horsemen whilst bringing on the Apocalypse, wiping the Earth clean of more or less all human life - but there were some clerical errors along the way and it didn't quite work out like that, thank goodness.

Nevertheless. I think a meeting might not be a bad idea.


lilah_lawyer July 26 2009, 19:50:21 UTC
To be honest, my own world had a different interpretation, too. But it might colour your perception of my job, if you knew about that.

I'll go ahead and arrange an appointment.


lilah_lawyer July 27 2009, 01:23:57 UTC
OOC: As put in Lilah's more recent journal post, expect her to have forwarded the deck and number of Gabiral's cabin! I'll let the two of you tend to any meeting log thing or assumption you might both wish to set up. :)


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