Dec 24, 2004 21:42
Love is the one thing that alot of us lack. I mean there's no guide lines on love. No rules on love. No laws on love because if there were than thats not love cause love is pure. Love just is what it is, or it aint what it aint. Dont make love complicated. It's a pure feeling translated into an expression, but most of us havent discovered who we really are, so it would be kind of hard to express yourself. Love is freedom not ristriction, a sound mind and a soul that is at peace with oneself and can adapt to situations because it is fluent. That's what love means to me. It's not about finding true love because its within us, but we have a hard time understanding ourselves so we go and try to steal someone else's love, and thats why 98% of relationships go sour. You must know inner love to recieve outer. Thats just my little old opinion from a gal who loves love.