Randomness.. Warning.. a LOT of pictures!

Jan 10, 2005 10:58

Lj-cutted for your reading .. er.. looking and reading.. pleasure.

You scored as Loner.

Drama nerd
Ghetto gangsta
What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with QuizFarm.com

Upstairs is the new stuff...

My mom sitting on the couch. You can see the chair in the background.


Pandora enjoying the loveseat. The grey cushions are for the cats to lay on so their fur doesn't get everywhere.

Couch by itself.

My dad sitting on the old loveseat downstairs. You can see the foldout bed couch monstrosity in the background and the top of the old shitty chair in the foreground.


If you own a Gamecube and liked the Sims or other such addictive games.. get Animal Crossing and love it.

My AC character. She's sporting the "Bad Plaid" clothing set and a tan. If you look hard enough, you can see the dragonfly on her hat.

My AC house.

Inside right of the house. The things behind my character make different noises.

Inside Left. More practical.

Basement. My assortment of clothing.

A snowman I made. He hates living.

For those of you who're newish.. my room used to look like this:

Pretty scary, eh?

Well... eighteen trashbags, two vaccuums, an entertainment center and a lot of work later:

My stereo. Has all Bjork CDs inside. Candles and skulls on top. My scarf in the box (the orangy blob), my table with my OLDASS computer on it (That still needs to be cleaned/packed up), my dresser with stuff on it. You can actually see my carpet! I put my furry lilac coloured rug down. On the far right is my couch/bed.

More carpety goodness. Bad thing about black carpet and four cats. Their hair shows up no matter what you do! Most the fuzziness on there is them plus some fibers from my rug. You can see my foot too. Er.. and this pic makes me realize that I seem to have a lot of dirt on my camera lens... heh.. ._.;

Stereo. I paid $65 for it. My sister has one too which my mom bought for around $150.

This tapestry covers my entertainment center. It will one day be my curtain.

Underneath my fairy... My game systems: My PS2 70K system, my N64 and Gamecube (with Gameboy Player), my beloved Xbox. Underneath are extra controllers and accesories. The games behind.. from left to right: FFX, Kingdom Hearts, Spiderman 2 (freebie from work.. still in wrapper. I can't sell it or trade it in), Katamari Damashi (*swoon*), the bonus disc for Pokemon Colosseum (I have 2, gona sell one on Ebay), Pokemon Colosseum, Mariokart DoubleDash, Some Xbox Magazine demo disc, Oddworld: Munch's Oddessey (fucking BUY IT!), the Fable bonus disc (I traded in that lameass game), and Gauntlet Dark Legacy. On the right in that cubby hole are my N64 and gameboy games.. from memory... Mario Party 2, Star Fox, Donkey Kong64, Pokemon Stadium 2, Conker's Bad Fur Day... er.. cant remember... brain... crash.. The Gameboy games are an assortment of Pokemon games mostly..

My movies. Not all of them. Most of the others are in a secret location not captured on film *evil laugh*. On.. there are some of my hintbooks too. :P

The top of the thing. Bamboo mats, a sandalwood folding fan, and purple floating candles.

I love my room. It's always like 75-80 degrees in there and smells like Nag Champa.

As I've mentioned before, I've been crocheting... well.. Crochenitting really..

There's the needle thing. It has hooks on both ends.

My scarf. I've been working on it since Halloween. It's 7'4" long and 1'1" across. I'm planning to use up my skiens of black and orange yarn. I only have a little bit left, so the scarf will probably end up around eight feet long.

The black side.

The much prettier orange side.


Any posts containing images from before this point may be broken links. I have reorganized my album.

If you wana go see my pictures: http://photobucket.com/albums/v96/Lilacwolf/ The mainpage is basically random stuff, internet pictures and stuff I have links to that I do not care to break.

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