Let's Give it Another Try

Feb 06, 2009 12:50

I'm not entirely sure what I'll end up blogging about at this point, as I'm experiencing a pretty uneventful break between my little kid life and my grown up life, but I surely don't want to forget everything from this period of time, so I think I'm going to try updating this more.

Something's going to happen as far as the Maryland State Police position I've applied for is concerned. (Hey, it's really good to have multiple rich and powerful contacts, so working at the club was good for something.) I just need for Mr Tanner to post the position. That would be spectacular.

So I'm just waiting.

I'm waiting to figure out what to do with my house.

I'm waiting for my family to figure out what they're doing with their life.

Poor Dave isn't happy here with all the people in the house all of the time. I don't blame him. It's a pretty stressful place sometimes... clashing lifestyles, personalities... the mere "having other people in the house".. this won't be forever.

I've been trying to do better with the stress.. I think I'm doing pretty well. We'll see how it goes.

Do you think that perhaps that new president of ours could pay off my mortgage, cause then I would have no problems.

Of course that isn't true, but it would allow me to get new, more trivial problems.

I need to get my friends and my hobbies back. I get bored with just working and coming home and doing nothing. It saves money though, so that's a good thing.
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