And I'll forget the world that I knew but I swear I won't forget you

Jul 29, 2009 20:26

Yesterday, I:

01) Almost slammed into the Escaler Hall door
02) Got hit randomly twice (by people I didn't even know) during Judo
03) Walked through killer rains after judo
04) Wet my yellownawhite!pad and my blinding Pre-Calculus book (see previous number)
05) Was careless and screwed up my graphs

Today, I:

06) Got picked on by my block, again (WTF SUPERPOWERS)
07) Barely understood my lesson in Math.
08) Heard the waitresses in Tapa King talk about nerd!me studying Math (in Tapa King)
09) Found out that I couldn't go to the LTO or to the block!HP6 in Shang tomorrow
10) Went crazy on stuff, again.

This is the world establishing balance, isn't it? :/
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