From the people that brought you the SAT's

Feb 25, 2009 19:38


"Don't slack off at this point, even if you've already been accepted to college. (Too late.) Taking a vacation from academics now can contribute to problems later. (Goodbye, OS. I know :/ ) Plus, many colleges make "continued successful performance" a condition of their offers of admission. (I DON'T UNDERSTAND) Translation: colleges can take back your acceptance if your grades take a nose-dive. (WHAT??????) Make the most of your senior year-stay involved in clubs, sports, and volunteer activities. (I has no sports. End.) Look for an internship or challenging job that can help you target possible career options. (AMF. Where does that get me? CASHIER WTF) Stay focused now and you'll be ready for the challenges of college next fall (JUNE. We has tag-ulan season over here)"


I really don't like studying ._.
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