Nov 07, 2010 07:52
It's 7:37 am. I have not slept. This may be because I have overslept sometime in the recent 48 hour cycle. I have no idea. But I have not slept.
Unfortunately, this is not the kind of over-turned clockwork toy insomnia I had a few weeks back, wherein I simply did not sleep for 48 hours and didn't suffer the slightest amount of tiredness for my sin. No, this is the running-down clockwork toy kind of insomnia where I feel tired, I want to sleep, yet refrain from doing so because a) I fear if I do, I will never return to a dinural sleep-pattern in time for tomorrow morning, which is Travel Training, and b) there is way too much to do today besides worrying about a silly thing like sleep. /sacasm
And the fact that it took me three tries just to write the word 'that' tells you how brilliantly the rest of the things on my to-do list for today may well go. least I'm still noticing most typoes. That's something.
Other news - I have now been in posession of two wonderful golden-colored female gerbils for a fornight now. Their names are Vanille and Penelo, and they are very, very cute.
I'm also doing tuesdays voluteering at Haworth Cat Rescue, which is apparently something I was born to do. Cleaning out cathouses and chattering to abadoned and stray moggies is a calling, apparently. But I do enjoy it. My vocational worker, however... she has never had any animal experience. At all. She had a dog, when she was a child, but whatever memories that left her with were I can only assume not good ones.
She's blonde, smaller than me (and at my measly 5'1/100lbs that's saying something) and freaks out everytime a kitten so much as flails in her general direction. Bewildering. For serious.
zuru zuru zuru,
when i grow i want to be a mad scientist,
the first day of the rest of your life,
baseball in crop fields,