Title: Bright White Light
lilacsigil Crossover: Supernatural/X-Files
Disclaimer: All recognisable characters are the property of their respective owners.
Type: Gen casefile, pre-series
Word Count: 35,000
Characters: Sam, Dean and John Winchester, Max Fenig, Fox Mulder
Warnings: Rated PG for injury to children
Spoilers: Premise of Supernatural
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Comments 11
Doc or html format is ok.
I think you did a wonderful job with the slow build on this story. I like the way that you pulled us first into the reality of Sam and Dean's life, and then put in poor Max, and then the monster, and then John leaves, and then the Xfilesish stuff gets wound in.
I was half hoping for a bit more interaction between Mulder and the boys, but what there was was totally in character -- just like Sam and Dean bickering. And Sam's book? Priceless.
I only wish this were one of the tie in comics, y'know? The story was that cool.
Thank you.
Interaction between Mulder and the Winchesters was sort of difficult to organise, and you've got st_aurafina to thank for getting that much together. I do like the timeline of the comics (although large sections of the plotting of the comics are...problematic) so it was great to hear that this would fit in as a comic storyline. Thank you so much for your lovely feedback!
I'm saving this to read on my Palm - I have some time to kill next week and next month on a long trip. I'll make a point of stopping by and letting you know how much I liked it when I get it read.
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