Still not dead!

Jul 15, 2006 18:05

House of Plague
Tonsillitis is evil. So is conjunctivitis, especially when the doctors get confused by it. Six weeks of antibiotics does terrible things to a girl's insides. No sooner do I recover than st_aurafina catches a cold, probably from her terrible trolley-licking habit, and she gives it to me. Fortunately, this time it's just come on as a stuffed-up nose and sneezing, which makes me completely incomprehensible but not really unwell.

House of ficathons
reversathon is drafted, has come back from a very kind beta who shall be named when all of this is no longer anonymous, and is now complete. It was a request for two characters of whom I am very fond, but had never written, so I was very pleased to write this one.

Illness really threw me off my femgenficathon story: I had an enormous sprawling plot, plus about 3000 words of actual story, and haven't written a word for six weeks. I wasn't sure if this was going to be all Harry Potter or multifandom, so even though gehayi decided to go multifandom, I'm writing a HP fic. This is entirely because I really wanted to write a Tonks adventure with her as an Auror, doing her job. This shouldn't be too hard to get back into, though, because Tonks is a pleasant and straightforward character to write. Her motivations are clear and she deals with things directly, as much as she possibly can.

The 1602ficathon will be interesting: I didn't really get a history-based prompt that I can use, but in this fandom everything requires lots of entertaining research, even for character-based fics. I keep veering off on time-consuming Wiki adventures, but st_aurafina and I did watch Shakespeare in Love for research purposes. That was fun.

Last of all, at least until yuletide, is the xmmficathon. I find it really hard to narrow down what I will write for this one, because it's a relatively small canon. Last year, I volunteered to write any character, in any pairing (or no pairing at all), with my usual exceptions of child/adult etc., and ended up having a magnificent time with a semi non-con Toad/Cyclops. I never, ever would have thought of that without the request for NC-17 Toad, and the pressure of the deadline. I volunteered "any" again this year to see what fortune sends my way.

Edit: Oh, and I wrote a pinch hit for hp_lovebirds, too, but that's still anonymous, and still posting, so I can't say any more about that!

House of Icons
While I may not be an iconeer like st_aurafina, I've made two icons more complicated than the simple crop that you see in my default icon. One is Beast, the other is Elektra, which means that two of my three female icons are Greek girls. Why is this? I don't think I'm going to take up the iconeering life, but it was fun to use the filters.
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