It's going to be a high 98 degrees today in the beautiful Valley of the Sun.
Thank goodness I'm going to Cape Cod soon (on Sunday!). The ocean, here I come!! Oh to feel your waves kissing my feet, to feel your sand in between my toes, and that summer sun on my bare skin and that salty sea spray caressing my face.
The water's probably going to be 40 degrees though. You need a wetsuit to get in. (Reality setting in). Oh.
What I would give to go to a Davao beach and feel the above-mentioned. This happened last night and I felt like hanging myself after. Really guys. They could have nicked that game and then won in Phoenix on Saturday. What an awesome celebration that would be! But nooooooo they're choosing to go to game 7 (I am really claiming that win on Saturday).
Now that the elections in the Philippines are over, and we're turning over a new leaf (hopefully), I am much more optimistic about the progress of the nation. And so of course, the idealist in me comes out and the yearning to do something. My poor animals. Working here at a small animal hospital doesn't just cut it. Of course I get to see cool stuff, be spoiled with unlimited resources (like 5 catheters for one dog if they have crappy veins and one try doesn't get it in). I still want to practice what I went to seven years of school for.
But then there's the fact that I can't leave just like that. We'll see. Hopefully a little ocean air will clear things in my head.