midnight noodles

Nov 05, 2009 01:11

It is 1am and I have to be up by 7 (or at least I have to be visible at work by 8am, so I don't really have to be up at 7am. 7.45 is fine) but I can't sleep although I've had a long, boring day. I needed to have some ramen in my system. Yes. I don't understand how it works either but I felt like a heroin addict on withdrawal (not that I know how that would feel, but just because I saw it on Law & Order today) and I just NEEDED to get my fix.

Now lets wait for the euphoria that a cup of MSG noodles will bring.

This morning I found myself cheering myself on (the voice was coming from that scary back of my mind consciousness). I do know I am such a wuss sometimes and I heard that "be more assertive" advice again. Which is probably good for this career path that I have chosen. So my consciousness was telling me "WTH criselda you graduated from the best school in the country (rethinks, but its true), okay, you graduated from the best vet school in the country! You can do anything!!" Lets hope I carry that pomp in me well enough for the remaining four more months. Experience is really the best teacher. But yuck that's so gasgas ha! Anyway, I mean,  While in vet school, I would never think of putting an elizabethan collar on a desert cottontail so she won't eat her stitches, right? So I am truly truly grateful for everything I'm experiencing now. I could even learn to love the dull moments. I can stand observing behind the scenes and handing out gauze but its killing me because the muscle memory in my hands is itching to withdraw a syringe plunger while my needle is perfectly sucking blood out from a vein. I should have done a hematology thesis.

I am reading "A Short History of the World" and it is amazing. Reminds me of my bucket list. Go to country with ancient civilization. Woot. Egypt. Peru. China. But when. And how. LOL

There's that euphoria now and I haven't even had more than 2 forkfuls.

That reminds me. Need to get chopsticks. I hate eating noodles with a fork. It doesn't seem right.

P.S. Kinkajous have the cutest little faces! I could just eat them up! Yes, I'm Asian so that could be half meant.
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