when you meet someone new, don't you always talk about the weather? is talking about the weather a sign of unfamiliarity?
i think its going to rain today. or its as if the heavens can't decide weather (hehe) whether its going to pour forth rain from its nimbus cloud seams or to keep it in as if its being bullied by the sun.
orton the yellow labrador doesnt care about the weather. after romping around the yard, he gets overheated and walks into and immerses himself in the the batya full of lillies that's supposedly part of the landscape. he cracks me up.
i had an epiphany during one harrowing night at clinic duty at VTH-Diliman. i figured out why being a dog and cat doctor never appealed to me, and its because i realized i don't like seeing animals sick all the time! its one thing to love dogs when they're all healthy and getting into mischief like these two dogs here, but its an entirely different thing when they're hooked up to an IV, vomiting, soiling themselves or being dyspneic when you know for a fact that you could have done something to prevent it from happening in the first place. (ok, sometimes you can't, but most of the time, admit it, you could have) of course, its wonderful when you've done all you could and after treatment the dog's back to his jolly old self again--that's feeling's just undescribable, but its just too sad when disease robs a pet of its vitality. thank goodness for preventative medicine and animal management. doctors don't always have to cure sickness. its better if you prevent it from happening in the first place. this was all a marketing scam by the drug companies. but then again, they sell vaccines too, so its win-win for them. i am absolutely not making any more sense. i just miss mister dog. oh mister dog, have fun at the rainbow bridge alright?
and i am very very partial to hounds :)
look at beautiful cookie showing off her ridge