30 Days of Sharing - Fifteen & Sixteen

May 15, 2010 22:13

It's been a long time, again. My course is over (it was pretty good), as is most of the choir season (just one concert and then Unisong to go), and now we're on to looking for a job... Ugh. I thought about taking this travel writing course at Algonquin this summer that sounded like a lot of fun, but it's not nearly as convenient for me as Carleton is. Maybe another time?

Getting back to this...

Day 15 → A fanfic

I don't have one single answer for this - I know you're shocked.

I still read quite a lot of fanfic, in a number of different fandoms (although maybe not as much as I used to? It's hard to say). My favourite fandom is constantly changing, but my interest in a fandom I've liked never disappears completely... it just means that eventually I won't seek out every single thing written about a particular movie/show/book/etc. anymore. As long as it's written well, I'll read pretty much any genre/rating.

Some of my most important fandoms, at one time or another:
-Harry Potter (Hermione/Ron, Hermione/Snape, McGonagall-centric)
-Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman (Michaela/Sully)
-Grey's Anatomy (Cristina/Burke, Cristina/Owen, Lexie/Mark, Derek/Addison)
-House (House/Cameron, Wilson-centric)
-Glee (although there isn't a lot of good stuff yet)
-The Devil Wears Prada (Miranda- and/or Andrea-centric)
-Jane Austen (Elizabeth/Darcy)

Even within these fandoms, I probably couldn't make myself choose a single story. If I absolutely *had* to pick an author, I would probably point to the stories by salmon_scrubs (Grey's, she writes Addison/Derek).

Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)

I'm really not a crier, but I can think of a ton anyway. Two in particular spring to mind:

image Click to view

I used to get goosebumps whenever I listened to this song! I haven't seen this movie in years, though, because my tape broke. :(

The other song is called "She Used to be Mine" and is sung by Michael Crawford. I'm pretty sure I got it off a CD from the library, but I can't find it online anywhere! I guess you're going to have to take my word for it that it's amazing! Here are the lyrics:

I understand there's nothing I can do
I can't be what she needs as long as she needs you
If you're the one she'll turn to from now on
There are things that you should know
About her when I'm gone

She's not as brave as she might seem
And when she's had a scary dream
If you don't hold her she won't sleep all night
She's not as strong as she should be
She cries at movies on TV
And counts on you to see that things go right

But she's a chance to make your dreams come true
To have someone who thinks there's nothing you can't do
A chance to live each day
And care the way you always knew you could
Take care of her for me
She used to be mine

She's not her best on rainy days
She'll test your love a hundred ways
She plays with your emotions like a song
She chases dreams that can't come true
And always tries too hard for you
And never knows just how to say she's wrong

But she's the chance to make your life complete
A chance to take these lonely days and make them sweet
A chance to feel so good
That everyone will wish they could be you
Take care of her for me
She used to mine

She'll never leave you anytime alone
She needs more time and tenderness
Than anyone you've known

But she's a chance you'll never have again
A chance that always seems to come to other men
A chance I can't forget
A chance that I somehow let slip away
Take care of her for me
She used to be mine

The Rest:
Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 → A talent of yours
Day 20 → A hobby of yours
Day 21 → A recipe
Day 22 → A website
Day 23 → A YouTube video
Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy
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