Dec 22, 2010 20:39
Right, bags packed, laptop charged, camera charged, Kindle charged, Ipad charged - no room for clothes, bag full of plugs and leads! Setting off tomorrow for Alresford near Winchester instead of Christmas Eve as more snow forecast for Kent.
Hoping for a jolly Christmas but great niece's Bernese Mountain dog, Sonny, rushed to hospital tonight with kidney problems, little children upset, big children upset, parents upset. It really is not a good time of the year - if there is a good time - for this to happen!
One step child insisting on going to stay with other parent - all the plans rearranged only for her to say 24 hours later, "oh, i think I'll stay here after all". Another row in another family.
I want to hibernate under the table with a piece of turkey, a box of chocolates and my laptop.
But it will be a good time! Well, memorable, any way.
Have received some lovely cards from flist for which many, many thanks. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful and happy New Year.
I'll try and update but in case I can't - see you all on the 27th or 28th. Snow willing.