May 13, 2010 22:57
Having just sweated blood over my chp of BAU that deals with Sweet's arrival in Sunnydale, I suddenly realised I don't think I have ever read any fic dealing with OMWF episode and the singing. I opted for using songs that Agnes would have known herself. Quite beyond me to write something new and anyway, no one would know the tunes! So any recs greatly welcomed as it was so difficult to write and I want to see how others fared.
My new DVD player is installed and working. Just watched The Spy who came in from the Cold with Richard Burton. That man could act! Such a pity he got tangled up with Liz Taylor and left the stage.
Bought loads of new plants for garden. Tomorrow will be planting day.
And tomorrow night, Charlton play Swindon in the first half of the playoffs to see who goes to Wembley for the League One promotion final. Bites nails.