I must admit to being slightly confused by the irritation "cliff-hangers" seem to arouse in readers. To me, when you are posting a story on line, then surely you write it with a "hook" at the end to carry the reader forward to the next instalment?
When I read a chapter and reach the end not wanting to know what happens next, surely this is not good. But time and again, people say "oh another cliffhanger". Sorry, folks, I don't know how to write any differently. I suppose years of editing magazine fiction has installed that into my brain.
I know I am not the only writer who works this way. I am devouring
caitrin The Reluctant President at the moment. Every chapter - and they are fairly short, to be honest - leaves me gasping for more.
Off to the dentist now. It's cold and damp and miserable again. The strange yellow object has vanished again!