11th day, 11th month... London 2009

Nov 11, 2009 11:56

Went up to London to visit the Cenotaph to look at the poppy wreaths. The official ones are very dignified, but nothing compared to the British Legion Garden of Remembrance set out in the gardens of Westminister Abbey. Endless sections for each part of any of the Armed Forces, and groups associated with them.

A wooden cross for everyone who fell - I think from WWII onwards. I find it hard to describe what the sea of wooden crosses looks like. I hope the photo of one of the Army sections alone gives you some idea. The Afghan section is very sad because, of course, there are now pix of the boys who have died on each cross.

Everyone looking, including lots of tourists, all very respectful. I loved the fact that you could buy a cross and write a name on it. They even provided big rubber mallets for you to knock the cross into the grass!

So, yes, we do still remember them - and always will.

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