Avoiding connecting

Feb 14, 2015 17:46

Both of my literacy students seem to have "crushes" on me. Or something. At the end of last year they both asked, (separately) if we could meet somewhere other than the big main library.

Hui I am now seeing in a quiet study room at a smaller branch. She is being increasingly "helpful" Opening doors - that's good - but insisting on holding my coat, opening and closing car doors - "No, I'll get!" She keeps trying to give me food I don't want. "Why not, we friends me and you!" Pushing.

Donna is now coming to the community center at my apartment complex. She asked me if we could met at my place to which I answered an emphatic but kind "No." I feel like I would never get
rid of her.
She brought a book for us to read aloud - this is good - but the story she chose was of two women who couldn't connect as friends because one was reluctant, couldn't see how the other could enrich her life. But through prayer on both sides, God showed them how to come to love each other. I read it with her with no comment. Maybe I could suggest we read H.P. Lovecraft together. Bad Mean Lee! No cookies ever again!
Yesterday we were discussing her upcoming birthday, "I don't have any plans for my birthday, unless someone takes me to dinner or lunch."

Now that we're meeting in quieter more private spaces - which are ALOT easier for me to get to - I'm noticing more the pushing at the boundary between tutoring and social interaction. They're good people but I have have nothing in common with either woman. I have zero interest in socializing. I like each enough to keep working with her. I'm always pleasant and patient. But honestly? They bore me.

I need to find a way to say "back off" gently. Sigh. Venting feels good. Thanks for reading.
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