(no subject)

Oct 31, 2006 08:09

I just uploaded some pics of the little stray cat I found the other week. He was put to sleep last Thursday at the cat haven. Poor little guy, the tumor he had was just massive. I was so upset. You can't really see in the pictures just how thin he was because of the long hair, but I was able to touch my index finger and thumb together in a circle around his spine just before his back legs, he was literally just skin and bone.  You can see in the third picture his left front leg jutting out from the tumor on his shoulder. Poor little thing kept losing his balance and tipping over because he was just top heavy. And despite all this, he was such a sweet cat, every time I came in the room to visit him he would meow a greeting and mill around my legs, jump in my lap and wouldn't leave me alone. It just felt 
terrible to have him put to sleep, he was only with us for four days, but I really missed him.
