it was only Tuesday

May 09, 2003 18:26

what a fucking week. an intirely fucking week. i dont particularly want to talk about everything that happened, if i talk to you at all, you probably already know what went on anyway. and haley is right, i (or anyone else) shouldn't blame mr. mccarthy, its he has to do that. i dont even know why i turned in the paper. well now they are putting me through counciling. yipie. can't they just leave me alone? whatever. on top of all this personal stress was orchestra, our final concert is on sunday so we were practicing really hard all week. and i have to help my neighbor write a book. and i have homework. and next week is going to be insane cuz i have rowing and dance and then the recital on sunday. but im gunna see the matrix on saturday! yay!! and there is gunna be more homework and more tests and then more weeks of rowing and then finals.... and then, summer. finally. almost.... please? god, today feels like friday. you know your week was screwed from the start when monday feels like is should have been a thruday or friday or even a saturday. im just going and going and never getting a time to stop. falling asleep before my head hits the pillow. and thank you ms. rad from talking all about the future today. telling me that i have to start worrying about college now and then i have to work harder and that if im at the end of my rope now i am basically doomed. i hate thinking, it always makes me feel... unplesent. there is never enough time to do pleasant things. ug, :sigh: oh well. have a good life. and remember this....
"when you come to the end of your rope, make a knot and hang yourself"
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