one collage a day

Jan 26, 2007 13:08

size: 10x10 cm

price: 30 euros(shipping cost included)

that collage is lighter in real,there is something kind of pure and innocent in the colors which inspired me that longing for higher conversation,reaching spiritual connections.

Maybe that bird is talking to a God(dess) behind God(dess), maybe he is trying to reach his inner self, or higher self to mend his spirit and find a new purity,washing the stains away and perhaps it is something else.

Feel free to decipher or interprete your own way.

Blessed be!

ps: as you can see I have created a new livejournal and won't take the time to explain why.
I really hope to be able to only add here interesting person with whom there can be some real sharing,interactions, inspiration, support and lots of fun!

gesso, vintage, mixed media, one collage a day series, acrylic, bird

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