a mix of me maybe an O.D for you but I'm moving soon so goodbye for several weeks!

Apr 20, 2008 15:23

To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.

(Emily Dickinson)
Come out of the circle of time
And into the circle of love.

Dear Poet

What did I read?
He said " silence kills the poet it's true"
I stopped.
Please breathe. Hush hush.
Can't you hear it?
Which silence are you referring to?
Can't you hear the din of this Heart of heart?
Silence honey!
Listen to the drums of this inner life follow the rythme
Let the waves take you there
Safety nets after the Fall in the poetic Hidden Place
I remember the warmth of the pagan songs of the humid daturas under your sun
Like a treasure box of memories folded in a satin case with thousands of your smiles
How much I loved thee how much I loved(...)

I did some strange but interesting and powerful at least it appears to me pictures photoshopped with my friend Derek.

I like the mystery,disturbing atmosphere of darkness with prayers,kinda of provocative in a way, but to show that darkness has some humour and also to play with all preconceived ideas.
Dark shines truly.
I think there is a real mystic intensity in this.
Some teasing too.
It can be interpreted many ways and also of course this reveals things I am not which I just love to play with.

That I did always love

That I did always love,
I bring thee proof:
That till I loved
I did not love enough.

That I shall love alway,
I offer thee
That love is life,
And life hath immortality.

This, dost thou doubt, sweet?
Then have I
Nothing to show
But Calvary.
(Emily dickinson)

image Click to view

You don't see your soul anymore in her glass wall
She doesn't see your smiles reflecting in her puddles of tears
Dear mirror I scratch you and I breathe in your silences that cut my lungs
I smash you to smithereens and tonight I'll sleep in your bed
nevermind the blood nevermind the blood(...)

Building a pedestal and adorning a thrown
She is afraid of heights and she bleeds on the thorns
But the silk lanes of souls that create new alleys
And the purple clouds and zephyrs that want to stay
Are blessings of her book anytime a page is torn
You write on another and you give her petals of Grace of your heart
All these energies are mesmerizing she feels nurtured
Her sweet sea of words her rivers of birthing where the hummingbirds swirl
Promethean spirits who rekindle the Inner flame
She goes down her tower she breaks the pedestal
She finds you there beautiful fucked up man in the debris of his story
She hands you a white rose murmuring " this is all I found in the secret place of your soul garden, it grows deep inside your swamp of darkness"
Showers of light and a profound serenity like mirroring everything in one
"I give your God back! May you know how much you shine, keep your preciousness in its silver case of purity and may you be blessed with Perfect Love!
I awake the God inside of you, I celebrate your sacredness! There's nothing you can't do if you have soul pieces to shed to this Life"

This picture was much of Fun :-)

it's called Mystic Panty Terrorims ;)

This is the cd cover of a band called The Mystic panties:

1. Musicotherapeutic Orgasms
2. Sonic field Lust
3. Forlon song for the Humid poems
4. Horizontal sacredness of writing
5.Soulgams sur fond de piano
6.Wet sighs stories for the lovely ones lost in translation
7.Le chaos musical sous la robe de Adah
8.the High sigh of thigh
9.The precious book of Intellectual intercourse
10.L'indécence de nos mots allongés ensemble sur le papier
11. I don't know the word end but Hand.

bonus track: Je ne connais le mot Fin mais faim

ps: and soon a video will come stay tune
(mwhahahah I'm kidding on that one! rassure toi sébastien c est pour rire ;-) même la folie a ses limites)
I will never put a video here, I imagine soon the horror of tasteless shit that can happen, oh my!but I wont take part to that war against vids on flickr

the benefits of cd would all go to Free tibet organization.
(well of course this is all but imaginary work, but love to imagine that as some of you know I love singing ;-)

© All Rights Reserved - No Usage Allowed in Any Form Without My Written Consent.


We could have spent sleepless nights at the light of words sleeping in the Sea of Love
Do you remember the waves and the unique showers in our eyes
When our clouds were too heavy
We swam so many times in our underwater big secret
Our memories of Ether are drowning like tiny paper stars
But look how it shines when truth does not die
We say what's written is forever but I say there can be fleeting emotions
Still remain the sugar moments but your spoken words are eternal
They infiltrate each of my cells I still hear their echoes
Your daring words solluble in my waters of Life
I still can hear the gentle ripples of your laughters
The enterlacings of our silence know that there anytime we can be one
For there are some swirls of light that are only for Aeon
For aeon for aeon for aeon


Saying Thank you:

To life
to failures
to doubts
to enemies
to magick
to intensity
to passion(s)
to the power of emotions
to memories
to nostalgia
to little details
to the unexpected
to the impossible
to the luck to love
to the immense blessing to be/feel loved
to sharing
to our thoughts
to changes
to seasons
to beauty
to true kindness ( for free)
to empathy
to anger
to meditation
to our mistakes
to smiles
to the ones who stop on our tiny existence
to the experiences
to our inner child
to our inner terrorist
to our parents
to our guardian angel
to pushing the limits
to tolerance
to open mindedness
to sincerity
to the sun
to the Muses
to art
to words
to wisdom
to sweet Madness
to poetry
to all the dead poets
to the unseen
to those who make us laugh
to destiny
to signs
to nature
to the faeries
to music
to our dreams
to our sorrows
to our darkness
to the stranger who listens in our life journey
to our capacity to listen others and to hear
to all the ones we have loved in our life till now
to freedom(yet an utopia but still :)
to the wonders of sleephood
to fairytales
to children's stories laughters smiles songs
to spontaneity
to purity
to what we lost
to our ancestors
to our past lives
to the spirit messengers
to illusions
to our wishes
to our desires
to our daring
to creative chaos
to the writers and all the persons we admire
to the persons who celebrate our soul
to respect
to brother/sisterhood
to serenity
to books
to pain
to our strength
to our will
to our mind
to our heart
to God/Goddess and all the divinities/archetypes that inspire and help us grow
to our friends
to you

Everyone seem to enjoy this picture, it makes me feel uncomfortable for it truly does not look like me, it's like wearing some kind of mask, the light and tones create really a new face.it s weird!

Here is the secret door in the siamese hair
Maybe no buccaneer's heart would dare to reach such shores
With just one shot on your marrooned isle sometimes you'd better dare the jump in those waters
Test of the black thistles and the Eternal caress of the waves of enigmatic words(...)

so if I am depressed & melanchollic and indulge in dark art I must be depressive and oh please motherize me :)(or fatherize me mwahhhahah)
because if I look so sad in my pictures I must be close to suicide.
if I put this song or that word then immediately I get summed up and labelled.
"This is who she is!"
if I get so somber and sullen in my work some worry for me or find me utterly boring because they label this drama queen or are tired of my mood swings.

so if I am smiling, so very sweet and grateful,loving my friends not for the comments they make but the beautiful souls they are and the great inspiring and touching art they do,if I make more philosophical work, sharing my simple philosophy of life made of empathy and Love spreading
they are bored of the life lessons and fairytales kindness.
They're getting used to my honey and can't bear this love torrent, for it's too much it can not be sincere.
"she must be hiding something and faking this"

Am I such a great actress? do I fake sorrow or sweetness to be alive?
Limits.limits. limitations.

I can see more. further and beyond.
whether I am smiling or crying I will bore another one.

as for self esteem, self confidence the same works.

If I acknowledge all my qualities and the things I believe in myself you will get bored and label me fucking arrogant self assured bitch ;-)
I don't understand why people can't say " I am beautiful" if you are good if you have something to give to life could you write this for once?
could you utter a sincere " I am beautiful"

oh yes! do it!! it'll make me smile :-))

people get so fucking shy or modest when it's not just the appearance I'm mentionning with such a sentence.obviously.

If I talk about my doubts, my introversion because I am not at ease in society I get labelled shy and "Miss huge lack of self confidence"
and I wonder are they right?
if I was lacking of self confidence would I spread all my shit like that?
not sure.

so I take what's mine back, I take my freedom to be whatever I want to be.
if that makes me weak, boring, bitching or whatever this is not important.

I a mix so please keep your summary, I can't belong to that kind of short book ;)

this is not art just the fae child smiling at two rainbows, you can't imagine how bright the right one was, I had never seen such vivid color rainbows!
I have been told that when you see a rainbow it's a sign of Hope ;) so two rainbows
Big time Hope! =D
so I'm posting this Beautiful(ironic) image of the wonderful landscape from my window
I swear they were trying to create the empire building of Cambrai, for each time it was higher by the window and hiding the light even more!
How wonderful!
anyways moving in May so I wont have to bear such a view:P
oops the big digression made me forget the end of my sentence, yes posting this for all who needs hope, I'm sharing mine with you!

Of these nights to become an angel she only remembers the silence on her skin
In front of & behind the Door where the internal chaos begins to laugh with a roar
crash of broken glass verses which nobody has yet dared to write her
Shouted on some virtual paper where One lose their virtue
Give a little again move closer don't be afraid of the strange

"Kwan Yin's esoteric attributes are those of compassion, healing, and centering. She lives in the heart chakra, standing in full acceptance, relishing joy and wrapping you in her unconditional love."


* I am love
* I radiate love
* I receive love willingly
* I am tolerant of everyone around me
* I have great joy, and therefore great energy
* My peace is shared peace
* I am weightless and liberated of burden
* I deserve love and compassion and allow myself to receive them

Her Story

Kwan Yin, Mother of Compassion in ancient Chinese culture, blows gently into your life, and should be welcomed as an eternal source of comfort and peace.

Kwan Yin's values are about co-operation, sharing, balance, harmony and partnership; she is highly sensitive and aware. Kwan Yin is light and weightless - the qualities that result from highly tuned values of tolerance and acceptance."

(text found here:

and all my recent mixed media artworks:

So many things, so many poems, so many stories, so many feelings and mood swings:)
soul wings too :-)

I'm moving pretty soon now, so in May I won't have internet access pretty much, that will be REAL DETOX for me, God! Oh my Goddess! I will just be insane and miss some special you's so very much!
You mean a lot dearest soul friends!
What each of you bring to my world is something that gives me energy,inspiration,strength ,laughters and so much really.
most of you can't be put into words anyways like this, so I smile a lot, many smiles for everyone!
Take good care of yourself, be well and miss me a little;)

Blessed be and namasté!

photos, painting, mixed media, helene deroubaix

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