Another List O' Random
1. I've watched through episode 6 of ReGenesis and it makes my genetics heart sing. I find myself nearly squealing in practically every episode when they explain some bit of science. While some of the situations are more potential extension of existing scientific technology than realistic at this time, a lot of it is accurate. I was dying with laughter over David's explanation of how viruses work. Next time I'm teaching, it's going to take everything I have not to use his rather off-color demonstration.
1a. Dear Numb3rs, Please note the brilliant and subtle way the writers of ReGenesis were able to show and not tell about the dangers of steroid use. Watch and learn. Also, please feel free to let Colby continue to be a chess and math geek, and have Don continue to be, to quote
dsudis, MADE OF AWESOME! Love, Me
First of all, I just have to say that the writers love me. Proof? Hockey and genetics in the same episode! I win!
But I do have a question. Do we ever hear from Danny again, or does he just seem to OD and the story is dropped - no reaction from David finding out his best friend ever committed suicide? I don't want to know details, if there are any. Just if the story line is done or not. Thank you kindly.
1c. FYI, Peter Outerbridge is panty-meltingly hot. Just so you know. I so need to go make some icons of him.
2. Boring traffic story, blah, blah, blah, sped to get in front of me, but I got in the right lane and got through the light, and I'm not sure he did, but even if he did, I was still way in front of him. I hate commuting.
3. There is no three.
4. I taught Pilates the last two nights, and tried a new ab-focused workout in both classes. I'm not nearly as sore as I thought I'd be, but I bet by tomorrow it's going to be all pain.
5. I wish my little Lizlet was here so we could SALSA!
6. Can anyone tell me how to change the appearance of my email address on lj so it's got spaces before and after the @ when it's displayed? I don't want it recognizable as an email address by automated spammer-thingies, but I do still want all comments emailed to me.
7. Work is beyond dead today. Please entertain me. Leave me a joke, a story, an anonymous comment about anything, or something else entirely that will keep me from being ded of the bored. Please. I'm begging. Srsly. Down on my knees.
ETA: D'oh. This is public now, so feel free to post anonymously.