Jul 15, 2009 09:34
Dear Diary,
I woke up to rain pattering against my window pane. I could have snuggle up in bed just and hour more, but decided not to lose to temptation.
Drifted in and out of sleep since 2 in the morning. On my one week's MC, it was official that I became a regular patient to the doctor just across the street. He decided a way to cure my sleepless night is to channel that energy to jogging early in the morning, so physically I'd just feel tired at night. And the benefits of it besides being healthy, I get to think better and be more creative. It is somewhat true to a certain extend. I do get lotsa brain storming when I'm idling on the bed at 3, thinking of random possibilities, being ,Joan of Arc in my own world of impossibilities.
The deadline for my current paid project is just less than 24 hours away, and I'm just about 3/4 done. I'm not satisfied about it then again. There are still much editing work to be done. Then after, I need some "me" time to finish up my long overdue blog + site + portfolio of mine. And it's just the first step the the working world full of the uncanny. & I decided I shall not throw it all away. Live Journal will just be a friend's only rendition of life's rants and activities that I'd rather not share with a crude world of muggles.
I had my feed on Tomohisa san last night. He is sexy! I love his new hair. And secretly thinking to myself how I envy Kieko san, the girl with the violin. She had his attention. This fangirlism of mine is not helping with my image, but then again why do I care much? It's not like I need to prove to the world how serious or mature I need or can be. That would just be boring.
My anger diffused. I'm feeling good. That previous entry was a slight mind bothering indeed. But my dears thank you.
Now I'm off to some dark chocolate + milk bars for breakfast.
Take care.
**ps:dark choco + milk bars = piano