Jun 25, 2007 12:22
well to start, hey guys. havent talked for ages.i finished all my exams, and think i did pretty well, i havent had a car for about a month now so that has sucked, so havent really been out, adam is no longer working up north coz they shut down the mine, so hes got lots of jobs lined up, last week he came home early for me and we went down south for bout 4 days.it was so good.
we are as strong as ever and im so happy.in fact one of adams best friends mum lives in bumbry and we were looking at houses and they are cheaper down south and adam and i are thinking bout mayb moving there, im pretty sick of living at home, i wanna house, they have ecu right there for my last year.. and yer i think my run of bad luck, i think i need a change. il prob come back so much if i did choose to go there, coz my family.but they will love me more for it lol. so last week as my bad luck continued i broke adams stereo, his sim card(got it replaced woot)i also broke my digital camera.wasnt too good, but i still had fun.
i have stayed positive, i got really quite sad for a bit, and now i am just thinking i just gotta live for me.so enjoy life. love yas. peace out.