2 Months!

Nov 01, 2006 10:00

Yup - that's about how long it's been since I've posted.  If, for nothing other than my own memories, here's how those two months have passed. (although some of this I know I won't forget.)  I'm also stealing
shinyredtype's +/- format :)

+ Took a final practice GMAT on the night before my September test date, getting exactly the score that I wanted.  Felt good going into the test!
-  Took the real test in September and did not get the score that I wanted.  Passed several days in tears, eventually deciding to try again in October
-  Spent most of the rest of September and beginning of October studying (again)
+ Performed consistently better on practice tests during my second round of studying - feeling confident that the next test would be a success!
+ Started tutoring on Tuesday mornings at a school in Alexandria.  Love the smile my boy Will (3rd grade) gets when he sees me!
+  Went to my first PBS conference and had a great time - and got a free Elmo! :)
-  Took the GMAT again in October - did worse than the first time.  Spent several more days crying but decided immediately that I would not try again
+ Finally got to Skyline Drive - a little early to see full color but on a beautiful day nonetheless
+/- Not really sure if this is good or bad but after several days of thought, decided that I will not be applying to Business school this year - instead I will be taking some time to stop running and to figure out what I really want to do as well as preparing to apply next year if that's what I decide.
-  Still dealing with the aftermath of that decision
+ Met Ken Burns (well not really, but attended a meeting he ran and sat kinda close to him - what can I say, I get star-struck easily ;) )
+ Met up with some friends from my last job - which was at a horrible company (if you want tips on where to not ever ever work, I'll pass on the name!).  We celebrated the fact that we are all, finally, free of that awful place!
+ My sis came down for Halloween.  After a boring ride on the C&O canal she and I took a walk to Clarendon and got to witness doggie trick-or-treating!  That's right!  People dress their dogs up in Halloween costumes and bring them to Clarendon.  One person leads the group with a  megaphone and they go from store to store collecting dog treats for their dogs.  Unfortunately I did not have a camera and the photos my phone took were not spectacular but it was quite a sight!

I'm sure there's more but that's all I got for now.  Maybe I'll add more later on . . . but for now, I got work to do.
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