Mar 30, 2006 16:59
Today is such a nice day, it's almost perfect outside. This good weather needs to stay because it automatically puts me in a good mood.
School is fine. im trying to kick my grades up a notch. I didnt exactly tell mom and dad the truth, which i dont think is a big deal considering it's only midterm.
Im trying to do a persuasive speech on media censorship (opposing, of course). It's pretty hard to get info when I cant find the available books in the library and i would feel stupid giving someone a list and saying (retarded voice) "I need this." Im pretty excited about the topic so it wont be sooo bad.
Im also thinking about possible majors, but im so indecisive it's hard to stick with one. Forensic psych. keeps coming back to me. Whatever, i'll do some research and get back to you. Then i'll change my mind and get back to you again :)
I can't get enough of american idol and chris daughtry.
My great aunt died today. So sad, but she lived a life of 90+ years. I feel bad for Grandma cuz that was her only sister and they were pretty tight.
Come visit me if u do not have any plans to do so.
That is all for now.