Aug 25, 2006 00:12
Today has actually been quite eventful, and well I'm starting this with the bad news of the day so that the good news seems even better
The Bad News:
Today I was driving my gorgeous truck and lost complete control because it had just started raining. Let me tell you it was sooooo freakin' scary, it was like being in a video game and you were just watching what was going on. After spinning around 2-3 times I finally managed to hit a curb which is what stopped me and well gave me a flat tire. Thank god only the tire got hurt...scary freakin' crap let me tell you...
The Good News:
I'm getting my condo!!!!!!! I'm sooooo freakin' excited! Thank goodness I have awesome credit because that is what is making it completely possible, it's going to be awesome. Now all we have to do is sign the paperwork, paint a little, and then I get to move in!!!!! Yay!!!!!! I'm going to have my own lil' house, it's going to be soooo cute!