Dec 15, 2011 21:53
I feel like a certain person always fills my life with drama. I'm so annoyed and frustrated right now.
I'm sick of this. I don't care how much your life sucks; you don't treat other people like this.
It would be different if it didn't appear like they were online (and you know they spend most of their time on the computer). It would be different if I thought they had accidentally left their statuses online. Is this really even a friendship? Is it worth keeping if this is what it makes me feel like often? I'm about to give up on them, again.
I feel like I had a debt for this person being one of those who helped keep the darkness at bay almost three years ago. I don't know if that debt has been sufficiently filled or not, but I do know that neither of us are the same person as back then.
woiefjweiro hvriwqoghruweghrkcjwqkdsjfaklfjioE
Fuck this.
I'm probably just being dumb anyway.
En plus, I'm homesick. A little less than 5 months!