(no subject)

May 24, 2010 20:50

So... home. Fun.

Refridgerator is broked. tried to save all the food while my dad played with it. Luckily we still have our old refridgerator (from before we redid the house- always meant to give it away but never got around to it) and Robert still has his fridge for eggs although il n'a plus les poules.

Maybe adjusted to this time frame. dunno.

Went back to TKD last sunday. Course it was a Voyer practice. (crazy instructor) And of course, I hadn't eaten much or had enough water that day. Was so, so, sore afterwords. Tuesday hurt worse streching. Thursday my dad actually took me, but stayed in his truck with a glass of burbon.

Lily let me drive her car. Nice of her. I need to learn to drive this summer. Badly. And I've forgotten how to do almost everything except in theory.

Until the girls rented two movies I wanted to see (Leap Year and Valentine's day) almsot every moive I watched took place in France. Ratatouille, Three Musketeers, A Good Year. If you haven't seen the last, it's really, really good. Well, selon moi. They made me miss France a lot. And most of Leap Year took place in Eire, so that didn't help with my Europe-manquing any. I got really excited when they got to Dublin and I realized I'd seen the bridge in the background. (I also got really excited when I recognized some of the scenery in Ratatouille.) And a lot of my dreams are still in France. Obviously, I haven't quite adjusted.

Also went back to Leslie's for work. Crazyness. Of course, Ron gave me a new nickname (Euro Girl) and makes fun of me. But, it'd be much less fun if he didn't make fun of anyone. I keep trying to point out that his daughter is the one in Europe right now, but her being in Germany makes it much harder for him to make fun of her. Once I start remembering how pools work, I'll get back at him. :)

Keep getting the feeling like I dont really belong here anymore. Not that I belong over there, since I am American, but there are so many things about this culture that are stupid. Like how most of it is very ethnocentric and not even aware that different cultures function differntly. And petty. But those are just people.

I forgot it was normal and accepted for people here to break promises.

I miss the metro.

I love being back near my cats, friends, and sometimes family. I like having more than 10 days worth of clothes and a free washing machine. I love the familar lands and surroundings. I love that there isn't a language barrier. I didn't realize how used to Rennes I'd gotten until reverse culture shock hit. Funny, that was more concious than any culture shock I'd undergone...

I want to be bilingual.

I'm still pissed at Kane for being such an ass.

I miss being legal. I kinda miss O'Connell's Irish Pub, but there are several reasons to that.

I kinda feel bad for not saying bye to Alexandre, since he was a good parrin, just i'm not a good ask someone for help/hanging out person like Kelsey.

Feels unreal to me that I can't just walk across the street for the friends I've made.

And yes, I still miss the same old friends I did before I left. Coming back is a painful reminder to that. Especially Bob, since this time last year he was one of my best friends. But whatever.

Speaking of that, while I still wish what's-his-face and I had ended differently(and wish that I could be like Kelsey and be friends with an ex), I'm soooooooooo ready to move on. Have been. William suggested that something less serious may be good for me, and I thought about it, but I couldn't. Aside from it just creating an emotional mess for me, I couldn't. I'm too much of a romantic. And I want what I want. (Yes, that makes me picky, but I think we've already established I'm not interested in this whole "playing" cat-and-mouse stupidity.)

Also, Ryann is jailbait. The ferrier, who is 26ish, thought she was in college, and if he wasn't acutally hitting on her she wanted him to be. Apparently he's reeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly cute. I thought he was okay, but nothing to get all riled up about. I may not look as attractive as her when she dresses like she's someone my age going on a classy date, but at least I'm not fake. And at least I don't look like slutty jailbait. Unfortunatly, Rachel thinks that's how she's supposed to behave. Therefore, when I do laundry, I find bras I know have more padding in them than she has boobs. *rolls eyes*

Maybe I'm just stupid and old fashioned when it comes to methods to attract a mate and what to look for in one.

I can write about a socitey that accepts my way of thinking, but I don't think there's one I could actually live in. Actually, I'm having problems writing right now. Probably why I'm rambling here. That and I dont want to write my research paper that was due two weeks ago. Have one or two scholarship essays to write too. I kinda wish I could take the summer off and just work on writings and learning to drive. Or learning how to speak french fluently.

I suppose I'll stop rambling and get on to doing somthing useful.

Oh yeah, the cat came back. Ryann managed to grab him with her hands. Still the animal girl in spite of her sillyness, I supppose.
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