Ladies and gents, it's nothin' but spoilers under the cuts...
Oy... So apparently, this is Clark's "It's a Wonderful Life" episode... And somehow I'm thinking that like "Lexmas", this too will be a prelude to a new romance. This time being Clark/Lois, instead of Lex/Lana. *grumbles* Though I'm liking Lois better now than in previous seasons, I think because she's more like the likable quirky Lois from other Superman incarnations than she was before. And she's a definite improvement on the Pink Peep who is Lana Lang. And I see the CLex, if anything, has only become MORE.
Jimmy... in a bow tie. *facepalm* Sense of style? Ha! But flattery will get you anywhere, Clark.
And enter Lois. Clark seems to be seeing Lois in a whole new light.
LOL! Lois has a Pulitzer... and she mentioned it... Shades of Amy Archer. *giggles*
Hey Kara... she looks pretty badass with that eye make-up and fierce pantsuit.
Oh, the evils of Homeland... I mean Domestic Security. *eyeroll*
Jimmy really seemed to enjoy getting slammed up against that shelving by Clark. hehe...
Hey, that Sheriff Lady who bit the dust several seasons ago thanks to... something meteor related... I like her. She talks like Reba McIntyre.
Way to rock a pencil skirt, Lois. And supercute shoes, btw! I don't like the jacket though.
Clark gets to be Big Damn Hero today. Oh! There's the smile. Yeah, this is so a prelude to their "great romance."
Ironman looks like it's going to be really good!
That's Jimmy's place?!?!... It looks really huge and nice and clean for a bachelor in his twenties who just takes the occasional picture for a newspaper. *quirks eyebrow* There's like... art on the walls. Matted... in frames... and color coordinated vases and stuff...
OHHHHHH!!!!! Clark's Trust!Me!Puppy!Eyes!of!Ridiculous!And!Less!Successful!Than!Sam's!Doom! I like exclamation points tonight...
Yes, make Clark blend in... -- wait a minute -- with THE REALLY NICE SUIT OF JIMMY'S "ROOMATE" WHO IS "ABOUT CLARK'S SIZE"?!?!?! *snickers* I think I know why Jimmy didn't mind being picked up by Clark before and has a really well-appointed apartment. Why, hello, yes, I'm projecting stereotypes today, and how are you?
Aw... there's the Clark we all know and love. I like the glasses. I really do.
Isn't Lex too young to be president? He's not even 30 yet, I don't think... Also why does he have his black glove on? If Clark didn't come to Earth in this timeline and Clark didn't become Superman, then Lex wouldn't have had to wear the Kryptonite ring that would eventually give him bone cancer and force the amputation of his hand, which was then replaced by a bionic hand that he covered with a black glove... at least that's the version of the story that I heard from people who read comics, though I don't read them myself so I could be wrong in this recounting.
Lex is scaring me
Lex just said, "Look at me!" and my head turned from the computer to the tv like woah! LOL!
Now... it could just be my perverted brain, but it seems to me that Kara and Lex have more going on than just being raised as brother and sister in this 'verse...
Also in this 'verse, Lex went evil early. I'm guessing due to Brainiac's influence?
Aw, he has Kryptonite bullets. That's not good. "... supposed to be by my side forever"?!?! Yeah, I don't think it's me. I think it's Lex. He has a thing for Kryptonians or something...
I don't get Brainiac's motivations for things. I know, he's a computer and he's been programmed, but it seems the way he goes about things are somewhat counterproductive at times.
You know, Kara's pretty kickass in this ep. Really. She's shooting first, asking questions later, no nonsense, all business, DoNOTQuestionTehKARA! Why can't she be like this back on Earth? Instead of being damsel-in-distress so much of the time...
She squished him. Like a bug. But you know, somehow, he'll be back.
Awww... Kara's like taking the place of Martha now that she's for some reason written off, or at least seems to be since we haven't seen her all season.
LEX!! In the old Fortress of Solitude! OMG! Football! Ahh!
He so knows that Clark is still lying and yet he doesn't confront Clark directly. Like always. He just asks nicely, gets rebuffed and suppresses the rage and goes on his merry way. Lex is so damaged. I need future fic. Noaplzkthx. But Lex left the door open! Oh! *clutches chest as if stabbed* Stuff of legends! F'reals!
Lois and Clark again. *sighs* Really, it's not as vile as I had thought it would be when Lois was first introduced. LOL! She's so awkward trying to be his buddy. *giggles as I imagine Clark trying to fit in at a bar* It probably would be as hilarious and socially awkward as me trying to fit in at a bar. LOL!
Seriously, wtf is wrong with Kara now?
Long-Distance Call. I'll tell you now, it is not one of my favorite episodes. Not 'cuz it's not good, but... pretty much for the same reason WIAWSNB isn't one of my favorite episodes.
This phantom phone call thing is creepy. Hella creepy... really DO NOT WANT!
Hey, they're filming at UBC! I'm pretty sure that's Blair Sandburg's office building/aka the Library in the background.
Oh! Sam and Ruby need to have a come to Jesus meeting... A come to Demon!Jesus meeting, in fact. (LOL!)
Capital offense. *facepalm* DEAN! OY!
I continue to be unimpressed with Jeremy Carver's grasp of Supernatural's mythology and lore. Linda was cremated, but that doesn't mean she's not still floating around (she's not, I know, but it's not 'cuz she was creamated). Because she might have been burned, but she wasn't salted. HELLOOOOO?!?!?! Does Jeremy Carver not remember "Roadkill" and several other spooks in other episodes who were still all over the place doing their thing even though they had been cremated? Dude, he remembers but doesn't realize that a cremation and a salt-n-burn are NOT the same thing?!?! WTF, JEREMY, W.T.F?!
ETA 05/03/08: Turns out that the line was Jensen adlibbing. It was not in the script. So Jeremy doesn't even get that. *sighs* So unimpressed with him.
Oh, Dean and wanting free food.
And OMG! The porn! This guy! LMAO! I can't believe!
*snickers at "sickening porn"*
Sam has gotten pretty good at the manipulation thing... but... am I wrong in saying it's a bit creepy when he does it?
LMAO! at the necrophilia thing.
Hi! Not!John! How are you today? By this point, I knew that it wasn't going to really be John. I have to tell you, I'm kinda disappointed about that.
Dean's all vulnerable and squishy. And unimpressed with Sam's suggestion of "hello."
Hello, bowlegs! We've missed you.
"High School Hook-up Rate of 0.0" - Well, that tells us something about Sammy's past, don't it?
This docent chick is creeping me out. The quotey fingers is just the tip of her creepy iceburg.
"As long as the moldy are calling the freshes around here..." BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I see Dean is borrowing Sam's Bitch!face in this ep...
Oh! I miss John! Why?!?! *flaily arms* I want him to be back!
But I think this is a good idea to find this demon who holds Dean's contract. I know it couldn't possibly be here, but I still think there is hope for to be savin' Dean. I do, I do, I do believe in faeries...
AHHHHH!!!! OMG!! That computer needs to stop doing that! Ah! My face looked like hers when that monitor switched itself back on, I knew it would, but OMG! AHH!!! *hides eyes with cat in my lap*
Dean's ass is very sweet... like candy even. Hee!
I want to be checking out this exorcism... *eyebrow quirks* I was not impressed with Jeremy's last attempt.
Sam. Dean. You make my chin wibble.
OMG! Toy phone should not be doing that! Make it stop! OMG! Why is that kid okay with this! O.O Ahhhhh!!!!!
I'm glad that Sam puts everything together so quickly after talking to that girl again. 'Bout time, yo!
Oh, kid is going to be out in the street. And Dean is going to be doing something dumb too. *hugs Dean*
I guess they still have some of that spray paint from "Jus in Bello"... Or perhaps they just carry it with them now all the time in case shit.
I like Sam's jeans tho'.
It's not that porn!guy either, Sam.
\o/ Herman Munster! FTW! I loved that show when I was a little kid!
Psssttt!! Behind you...
Porn!guy, you are so in for it.
Told ya.
Seriously, is it a rule that Sam has to watch the MOTW kill innocent people in every episode now? 'Cuz really. How many episodes this season has Sam been forced to be present and helpless to do anything about some innocent person dying now? A cookie for whoever would like to help me give that some thought. Also, Sam is once again tied up.
crazyjedi has pointed out to me before that they really enjoy having Sam tied up and/or on his back, you know. We do too, of course, but we have more fun with him I think than TPTB do while he's tied up and/or on his back. *nods sagely*
His powers would come in really handy right about now.
This MOTW might just be one of the creepiest they've ever featured.
Oh, Dean, this is not gonna be good.
Oh, goodness, Dean, this is not good. Not good! NOT GOOD! *squeals and flinches*
And MOTW is giving us some social commentary too while gloating. The MOTW is obviously not a fan of comic books, comic book movies, or anything else that has ever had a "bad guy" vs. "good guy" kind of plot. If he were, he would know he shouldn't be the bad guy gloating right now... 'Cuz when bad guys do that, the good guys always get loose and take them down hard. Just like that. Srly, he obviously did not stop to read
"The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord" list while creeping through people's computers.
OMG! Apparently, Jeremy Carver actually does know how to use wikipedia. When I put in "Crux sancta sit mihi lux non draco..."
lookie what I got.
Aww!!! Poor guy! And poor Dean! *wibbles*
*sighs* The boys are so hot. Even when beaten to a bloody pulp and wibbly. Perhaps especially then. Sam's eyes. Dean's eyes. I loves them so. Tehy can has cuddle tiemz noa?
Apparently, the moment's gone and Dean doesn't want a poem from Sam. LMAO! I LOVE THEM! *smishes them hard* And look what big, healthy boys they are! Even further away from the camera than Dean, Sam still looks farking HUGE! *snicker*
On a side note: has anyone noticed that Ben Dean's-Almost-But-Apparently-Not-Son is going to be in Speed Racer?