vid recs...

Aug 29, 2007 21:40

Time is short at the moment, and vids take less time to watch than fic does to read... So I gots a couple of vids to recommend...


* A Clark/Chloe, Clark/Lana, and CLex vid to Republica's "Drop Dead Gorgeous" by Shalott (certainly one of the best vidders out there)... I found it on MySpace... It rocks!

*Clark is Toxic when he's on RedK... Clark/Jess (I think that was her name...), Clark/Chloe, Clark/Lex, Clark/Lana, Clark/random-girl...

* And I've got to put "All I Want Is You" (music by U2) by ferdalump on this list 'cause, well... dude... She made a CLex mpreg *vid.* How the heck she made that work, I have no idea. But she did... I'm in awe of the skill... And well, Clark is an alien...


* "Sam/Dean - Insensitive" by spngirl9 (music by Lisa Loeb) on YouTube... It's amazing... It's like a fic! And it has no clips taken from other tv shows... Totally amazing... Although, you may want some Kleenex nearby...

After all that angst, we need some fun and silliness... And lo', it has appeared...

* "Supernatural - Take Me Of Leave Me" by pbfate. Yep, it's the song from "Rent." Light-hearted...

* Because of the fic that Susan is working on right now involves the minor characters introduced in Faith, I thought that this was cheeky... "Minute 45" by arcthalia. I nearly fell out of my chair. And Rocks Fall is even funnier... And, dude, Top Five is just crack!

* "You're So Damn Hot" by stablergirl13... 'cause, well, Dean so is...

* "Open Letter To the Winchesters - Supernatural Fanvid" by ninanicky. This one is the funnest one of all! (Yes, I know "funnest" is not a real word.) ... And for those not in the know, including myself, since the hay-day of the Castro was long before my time, I looked up the "Hanky Code" and let's just say that the next clip after that, the one that draws particular attention to Sam's closed fist, alludes to what Dean would be into if the code applied in this particular case... ::giggles:: ... We won't go there...

The Sentinel (cause I'm feelin' old school...):

* "Heroes of The Sentinel" by Trisa Lee - A fun vid posted to YouTube using clips from the two blooper reels and Aqua's "Cartoon Heroes." A lot of fun...

* Another Sentinel vid, this one Jim/Blair, set to Queen's "You're My Best Friend." Is it any wonder these guys were slashed? Based on this vid alone, it could be done... and really, there was so much more on screen than what is used for this vid... I miss that show...

It's sad that so much of the video quality has to be so bad in Sentinel vids... Most episodes are on old video tapes because only the first season has been put on official DVDs and reruns haven't been aired for years and years... And the blooper reel clips are all bootlegged from a very limited number of copies that were, I think, leeked from the studio (at least, that was how I got my copy back in the day). Very sad... ::sniffles::
Enjoy! ;D

vid recs, vids, wincest, supernatural, the sentinel, clex, smallville

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