Oh my God! I flailed for at least a solid 5 minutes after this episode was over...
crazyjedi and
not_as_eloquent can attest to this, they were there... Seriously! OMG! O.O That was-- Holy WOW!!! I love Supernatural! Yes, I do! All day long! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! ::screams::
Yeah... it's totally play-by-play commentary... flaily, spastic and stream-of-consciousness... not much substance, mostly fangirlish squee... You've been warned.
Opening scene... O.O That was so HOT!
"pucker up and kiss your ass goodbye"... Hello, "Snakes on a Plane" - nice call,
Old lady!!! LOL! Sam-in-distress!! LOL!
Impala!!! Towed!!! Dean!!! ::flails:: That bitch!! Seriously, first she shoots Sam and now she screws with Dean's car!! O.O WTF!?! ... She so need to learn her lesson hard...
"Drama queen"! LOL! It runs in the family, yo...
Dean: "Can I shoot her?"
Me: YES!!
Sam: "Not in public..."
(You know I want all these lines as icons, right?... Seriously, they need to be on icons...)
Bela needs an icon that says "like roaches" or something...
Dean's blood pressure is just fine, thank you for your concern, Bela...
I wanna know who she killed in her family... and, Bela? Don't talk about John.
Stupid guy... calling the Impala a "crappy car"... pffftt! ... Then again... he's obviously very into status symbols...
Can I just say how much I'm enjoying all these talks in the car? More of that! Please? ::puppy eyes::
And what is this cool abandoned house they are squatting at? I love the paneling and it would be so cute fixed up!
Please, swing, Dean, take her out!
Sam's a "sharp tack"! LOL!
Oooohhh! A hand of glory... cooolllll...
Dean... in a tux! OMG! O.O More please! And no, Bela, no angry sex... Not with *you* anyway! You shot Sam, so there will be none of that! ... Yeah, Bela don't objectify him! For serious!
Gum! LOL! Punch fountain! LOL! Totally thumbs up!
Bona dea! I love this episode!
Cougar-lady! Ahhhhh!!!! ... Poor Sam (who is likewise extremely smokin' hot in a tux)... Dean so owes him BIG TIME for this!
Dean said Sam's playing hard to get, that it's cute and that he wants details in the morning... O.O ::evil giggle::
Fainting... a classic... I gotta give you that much Bela... And the tricking the gaurd that you're screwing someone in that room... An excellent tactic... Still, you double-crossed them again, and so you totally lose as a person, cleaver or not.
"Don't strain yourself. Interesting how the legend is so much more than the man." :O BITCH! Take that horrible lie back this instant!
Love Dean! So wonderful!
"Very Oscar Wilde"... love Dean's confusion, LOVE it!! ... Although, I'm a little confused too... a little... If I understand what she's getting at... I'm still confused...
Oh... more old lady... Oh, Sam... Poor, Sam... The things he has to do... She's handsy, for serious. Oh the dimples!! I want the dimples!!!
Dean's bein' all stealthy and cat-burgler like... but with a better, way hotter outfit... Can I have him? Please?
Sam's so miserable! And Gert's kinda drunk... If she licks his ear, I'm going to scream, and I think he might too...
"You stink like sex." O.O Dean just said that... To Sam... O.O Gah!!
"Mrs. Haversham"! LOL! Totally!
"Thank you, Sam, very helpful!" All of that! LOL!
No, seriously, I would like to know who Bela killed...
K... so we've got a Cain and Abel thing going on in this episode... I think that this is Kripke telling us that that is not what's going to happen with Sam and Dean...
That's right, Bela, beg... They are unimpressed... Even so! Sam! I love you, Sam! Even when lots of people, possibly even Dean, thinks you're going dark-side, you still save the shady chick with your walking encyclopedia of weirdness self because even though she's a shady chick and a bitch and she shot you and she wants to get in Dean's pants even while insulting him at every turn (how does she think that makes her endearing?), you still come up with a way to save her from drowning for killing someone in her family. And why? Because you're our Sam... I mean, you're Dean's Sam (sorry, Dean). ::loves on Sam::
LATIN!!! Kripke loves me!!! Although, he apparently doesn't love Jared, making him read all that Latin while dousing him with rain... Oh, that had to suck so much...
Gossip Girl looks like a seriously stupid show. Really, it does... Why do they keep promoting it? Just like "Fetch," it's obviously never going to happen. (Yeah, I don't own "Mean Girls" or anything...)
And she's still a bitch, even after they saved her! I guess it's really just that ingrained. And she's only giving them $10,000? How much was it that she swiped from them back in "Bad Day at Black Rock"? Wasn't it more than that? I'm pretty sure it was... ::checking, checking:: Yeah, it was $46,000! Yeah... $10,000, I don't think so, Bela... You lose again!
Goodbye, Bela! Please, don't ever come back! Unless it's to drop off the other $36,000...
Oh, Dean! Atlantic City isn't Vegas, but it makes you happy anyway, so yay! LOL! I want a fic about them in Atlantic City...
More talking in the car!! ::flails:: Oh, I love them! All of that! I almost stopped breathing and then hyperventilated a little and then flailed some more watching that scene. No really. I did.
In other news, my Latin prof told me today that she was so intrigued by all the things I've been telling her about the show that she was going to try to watch the show tonight!! I hope she was able to catch it!! That would be so awesome!!