(c) Goldman Sachs Elevator on fb

Jul 29, 2013 00:08

  • ·                     From my experience, most people really should have lower self-esteem.
    ·                     If riding the bus doesn't incentivize you to improve your station in life, nothing will.
    ·                     I doubt alcohol kills more people than it creates.
    ·                     'Just be yourself' is good advice to probably 5% of people.
    ·                     I asked him what his life goal is, and he said 'to make the obituary in The Economist.' #2: Great answer. #hired
    ·                     YOLO is poor for carpe diem.
    ·                     If I ever 'check-in' somewhere on Facebook, it'll be Mt. Everest, Mars, or Kate Upton's bedroom. Not Chili's happy hour.
    ·                     I don't love drinking. I love how much better everything is when I'm drunk.
    ·                     After I drink my coffee, I show my empty mug to the IT guy and tell him I've successfully installed Java. He hates me.
    ·                     I don't care how hot she is, dumb is not sexy.
    ·                     There are only 2 paths to happiness in life. Stupidity or exceptional wealth.
    ·                     My 10yr old made a birdhouse. We're so screwed. 10yr olds in China are making iPhones.
    ·                     98% of the time 'I’m working on it' means 'I haven’t done shit yet'.
    ·                     There is an inverse relationship between swag and credit score.
  • ·                     I don't get Twitter. It seems like texting for people who don't have any friends to text.

Love it! Found my own words in some of them.Somehow inspired for climbing the career ladder [read: becoming stinking rich] and getting into high-class society, I'd probably feel like it's not my cup of tea, but it's worth trying ;)

goldman sachs, quotes

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