Oct 06, 2007 09:26
So those staring eyes became eyes of friendship (:
As much interest I had, yeah it faded away...Nothing more than just being cool with the person..My intentions are not to get deep into it. So that is that... (:
You know...the word "friend" is becoming a joke to me..lol
I don't ask for a call everyday..But at least once in a while...at least show a bit of concern you know...cause I sure do..I get worried...
And the thing that gets me heated they bring the whole "Hi stranger" b.s like if it's my fault or something LOL. Are you kidding me?? I'm not the one who just calls when I have a problem. I don't do that. When you need my help I'm there...whether if it's at 4 in the morning or all the way to alaska. I'm there...