Mar 23, 2006 17:12
How is it that I'm fine and healthy for all of winter, and its fucked up weather, but the moment spring offically starts I get sick. And some people wonder why I hate the spring/summer, since the last time I was ill was in the summer. And to make things worse I still gotta go to school since CCBC's spring Break isn't until late April and I might have to move out of my house come August. *cries in a corner*
On a happy note, all is fine and well with everything else. I got a B on both my midtern and first in Multimedia class, I'll find out if I failed the math midterm or not, and I barely passed the Astromony midterms. My Sociology class is tring to kill me by making us read this long boring book within a week and do a paper on it when we don't have the instrusctions for the paper. Well I gotta run to Math class, so buh bye!