"Would you still love me, if..." (drabble) Supernatural, Dean/Sam

Mar 19, 2006 16:01

Title: "Would you still love me, if..."
Author: tallisen (Posted under lil_wincest)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Summary: Sam tests the limits of his brother's love.

"Would you still love me if I had a mole on the end of my nose?"

Dean replies, "You have a mole on your cheek and I still love you."

"Well," Sam rolls onto his back with a silly smile. "Would you still love me if I lost my arm in battle?"

"Sure," Dean chuckles, "Hell I'll go make you a new one in wood shop."

Sam play punches him in the arm. "Would you still love me if I turned into a camel?"

There's a long pause, in which Dean is clearly trying to imagine this, before he shrugs and gives his brother a cheeky grin. "As long as you put that spit to good use and let me ride you."
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