Dec 20, 2006 04:59
Hey ya'll. I'll be turning 18 tomorrow. I don't think anyone's planned anything for my birthday, but Barbara did give me today and tomorrow off. I like her now, she's nice. And speaking of her being nice, I almost lost my job today! Well, not really, cos they know it wasn't my fault. My drawer was $5 short (Amy counted twice, and Barbara once), so they were looking for the form we fill out when stuff like that happens. I had filled it out once, and was supposed to fill it out another time, but Claudia couldn't find it then, so I totally thought I'd be fired, right then and there. But they couldn't find the form, so I just filled out a new one. Thank goodness for crappy filing!!! ^_^ I really love my job, and my coworkers. And after six months, I get benifits!
In other news...Pish picked me up after work and we went over to the mall. First we decided to see Charlotte's Web, then we went to Johnny Rocket's to eat. Then we went over to FYE and Pish got The Davinci Code for Mom's stocking (I got two copies of PotC:DMC (one for me and one for Meg). Then it was movie time so we went over to the theatre. We were almost the only ones there, but these two other girls came in. Not that it stopped us from talking throughout the whole thing! It was better than I was expecting, I think. I need to read the book again. Last time I read it was in elementary school. Then she brought me home, I told Gam all about my day, and I watched Shrek 2 (I finally saw the thing after the credits!). Now it's 4:46 in the morning, and I'm still awake! ^^;
Hmm...Oh, Christmas went well. We had it Saturday, cos my Aunt Barbara was gonna come from New Jersey. She got sick at the last minute and couldn't make it. We went ahead and did it anyway ('cept we didn't open the stuff from her). I did all my shopping on Friday, and everyone loved their gifts. We also have a new theory that I cannot say no to a cute guy. ^^;;; Anywhoz, I got sick Friday night, and had to work Saturday. That was fun...Originally, I had to work for an hour after the Christmas festivities started, but then Mommy changed it to a later time. But I was still trying to get out early, so I neglected to tell them that the time had changed, nor that Aunt Barbara wasn't coming. And I added that it was farther away than I thought. I didn't get out early, but I managed to make it through the day. Everyone was really proud that I went to work while sick. And Gam was really happy that I went Sunday, Monday, and yesterday as well whilst still being sick. I'm actually feeling a lot better today. And I just noticed that I can breathe through my nose again! I've been doing it without realizing I'd switched back! ^_^
So...Wanna hear what I got for Christmas? For starters, I got a new cell phone! I was always complaining that my phone sucked and that it didn't do anything. So Gam got me this really cool flip phone with ringtones, and wallpapers, and all kinds of other cool stuff. Unfortunately, I have to use up the 150 units that I put on my old phone first. ^^; Let's see...I also got an gift card (Chris), a Walmart gift card (Aunt Colleen and Uncle Al), some new Yu-gi-oh! cards (Jenn), some spiced chai tea latte and two really cool mugs (Mom), a Bon Jovi CD (AC and UA), a stuffed panda that Meaghan remembered that I said needed me (Meaghan), a media storage rack thingie (Pish), and that's about it. I can't wait for my birthday pressies, cos I hear they're even cooler! Gam already gave me the one from her; a rack for the back of my door so I can store my movies. It's really big and she didn't feel like wrapping it, so she just gave it to me.
I really have more to say, but this is getting too long, I'm sure. So, I'll tell ya'll later. Bye for now!